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A/N: If you like the idea and want me to continue it, leave a comment, vote, and add the story to your reading list.

A few years after Logan's death. My friends and I fled to Canada, where it was safe. I wondered what to do now since I'm free. I walked down the streets of a small town with Rictor and the others.

I told them about what I planned on doing with my life. When I said, I wanted to go to Japan. They were shocked. Some of them wanted me to stay, and some think I should go. The younger children in the group wanted to come with me, but I wanted to go alone.

After leaving my friends, I went to a shipyard and snuck into a merchant ship.

Four Months Later

"Hey, kid. What are you doing in there?" A man asked. I opened my eyes and found myself sleeping in a rectangular box filled with tuna. I looked up at the man.

"Dónde Estoy?" I asked.

The man looked at me with a confused look. "I don't know what you're saying." He said. I got up from the tuna pile and hopped onto my feet.

"Look, kid. We're almost near the docks. I can sneak you out of this ship without getting caught." The man said.

I nodded my head furiously at him. The man chuckled. "Alright, kid." He looks at a barrel. "I got an idea."

A Few Minutes Later

"Alright, kid. You can get out now." The man opened the barrel and light shines on my face. I poked my head out of the barrel and looked around. "Dónde Estoy?" I asked. The man looks at me.

"I'm gonna assume you're asking where you are." He continues talking. "Well, you're in Tokyo right now."

The man helps me out of the barrel. After getting out of the barrel, I looked up at the man. "Gracias por tu ayuda." I thanked. The man smiles and nodded before walking away, leaving me at the shipyard.


I was walking around the city. I wasn't familiar with the surroundings. I try to ask for directions, but I don't understand what they are saying; neither do they know what I am saying.

After walking around for the past hour, I bumped into a Japanese woman. "Gomen'nasai." The woman said apologetically. I didn't understand what that meant, so I gave her a confused look. She looks at me, reading my expression-the woman giggles.

"I'm sorry. 'Gomen'nasai' means 'sorry' in Japanese." She explained. I looked up at her, understanding what she is saying. "My name is Mariko. What's your name?" She asked.

I looked up at her. I was a little shy to speak to her. Mariko looked at me oddly. "Where are your parents?" My eyes widened, remembering Logan dying. A small tear dropped from my sight. Mariko looks at me sadly. "I'm sorry about asking that." She said apologetically.

Mariko crouches down to my level. "Would you like to stay with me for a while?" She asked. I wiped the tears from my eyes and nodded at her. She smiles at me.

"Follow me."

One year later

It's been a year since I left for Japan. I've been living with Mariko (who I've learned was Logan's past lover).

During those twelve months, Mariko taught me English and then Japanese. I told her about my past and my time with the Wolverine, she also told me hers. When I told her about Logan's death, she was gloomy for a few weeks, but she's gotten over it.

"Laura-chan! Can you come to the living room!?" I got up from my bed and ran towards the door.

I ran into the living room and saw Mariko kneeling in front of a table. She notices me. "Take a seat." She gestured to the pillow across her. I nodded and walked towards the spot she wanted me to go to. I sat on the cushion.

"I found a school you can go to." She said with a smile. My eyes widen, so does my smile.

"R-Really?" I asked. Mariko nodded. A leaned over the table and wrapped my arms around her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I chirped.

I heard Mariko chuckling. "But you're gonna have to take the entrance exam."

"Doesn't matter," I replied.

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