Chapter 27: Guilt

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A/N: Time to get the number 1 spot back in #laura. Sorry for the long wait again. Be sure to comment so I know who is still following the story.

The sound of a heart monitor beeping must mean something bad happened, right?

Laura was unconscious in a hospital bed. Until... her eyes opened slowly. They were dry as if she was bawling her eyes out hours ago. She turned her head and saw Mariko's head laying on the edge of the bed. She rubbed her eyes before calling out to her weakly.


Mariko's head flinched a bit before lifting her head up from the hospital bed and staring back at her. Laura saw dry tears that were left on her cheeks. She must've been here since Laura was brought to the hospital. This wasn't the first time this happened. She remembers her fight with Robbie during the sports festival that left her unconscious and unable to proceed forward in the tournament. More tears formed from Mariko's eyes as she stared into Laura's, the young girl watching the older woman's dry tears moisturize from the newly formed ones. How many times must Laura make Mariko worry for her?

"I made you worry again..." Laura snivelled as she looked down at her hands. They were clean as if someone washed the blood off from them. Even though the blood was gone, it still felt like it was still there, rubbing her hands as if she was still trying to get the blood off.

Suddenly, Laura was embraced in a warm hug by Mariko. The elderly woman's arms wrapped around the teenage girl as if a mother was comforting her daughter after falling off her bicycle.

"Oh, my child," Mariko whimpered, holding her tight as she begins to sob. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Laura looked at the crying Mariko as she felt her own tears streaming down her eyes. She returns the embrace and started crying as well.

Laura later found out that she was unconscious for two days. The doctor told her that she'll be discharged from the hospital in a few hours once Mariko signed some paperwork for the hospital. While waiting, she read some of the cards that her classmates and other U.A. Students left for her. She received some flowers as well, which made her feel better.

The TV in the hospital room had the news on. Talking about the end of the Symbol of Peace.

This news made Laura feel guilty. She wanted to get out and apologize to All Might personally, but...

"How can I even face them after what happened?" Laura stared at the tv screen, seeing herself attacking Bakugo with the other villains.

"It's my fault..."

"No it's not."

Hearing Aizawa's voice made Laura turn her head towards the door where he was standing.

"Sensei?" Laura was surprised to see her homeroom teacher. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to check on you," Aizawa said as he walked towards Laura, grabbing a stool and sitting next to her. "Make sure that you're OK mentally."

Laura chuckled softly and shook her head. "I already have the doctors here doing that for me," she replied. "There's no need for you to do that; and besides, it really is my fault."

Aizawa sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Always blaming yourselves for things you can't control," he said as he pulls his fingers away from his face. "You shouldn't let these things drag you down, kid. You either face it and keep moving forward or let them drag you down."

Laura looked at Aizawa, blinking a bit before letting out a soft chuckle.

"Thank you, sensei," she smiled at Aizawa.

The Next Day

"You're relocating all the students to dorms?" Mariko asked Aizawa.

Aizawa nodded in response to her question. "Yes. After everything that happened, the students would be much safer within U.A. than outside of it," he explained. "We'd rather not risk another kidnapping."

"I understand, but..." Mariko looked down at the form on the coffee table.

Aizawa, along with Toshinori, are in the living room at this time with Mariko. Laura entered the room with two cups of tea for Aizawa and the former symbol of peace, setting them down on top of coasters on the table.

After Aizawa thanked Laura, Mariko looked at her.

"Laura-chan, do you want to go into the dorms?" Mariko asked.

"It would be much safer, wouldn't it?" Laura answered. "But that means having to leave you here... will you be ok?"

Mariko looked at Laura with a warm smile before nodding in response. "Oh, I'll be fine dear. What matters is as long as you're ok with it."

"Laura's safety will be guaranteed, I promise that, Mariko-sama." Toshinori ensures Mariko.

"I know that, Toshinor, and please stop using honorifics," Mariko beamed as she began signing the form. "I'm not your teacher anymore."

"Teacher?" Laura asked Mariko.

"Oh, I have not told you?" Mariko gasped. "I taught Toshinori in middle school."

"Wow, I didn't know you taught All Might," Laura said, shocked by this until she turned to her senseis. "So, when do we go into the dorms?"

"Tomorrow." Aizawa answered.

Laura stared at Aizawa, just dumbfounded. "Eh?"

Later at a Tokyo Airport.

"We're finally here!" shouted an eighteen year old boy Hispanic boy. He was surrounded by other kids with him, some ranging from the ages 15-17.

"Wow~! It's beautiful here~!" a Hispanic girl chorused excitedly.

"I hope I say these words right," said a ginger girl nervously as she skimmed through the pages of an English to Japanese book.

"It's still a shame that the others couldn't join us," sighed the youngest hispanic girl next him.

"Hey, Rictor, do you have any idea where Laura is?" asked a big dark skinned boy.

"I don't know, Bobby," the boy now known as Rictor sighed as he looked at the group. "Charlotte, Julie, Delilah, stay focused. We're not here on a vacation."

"We're technically are..." Charlotte, the sixteen-year-old Hispanic girl pouted at Rictor.

"That's the reason we gave to come here," Julie, the seventeen year old ginger girl.

"I'm the youngest here, yet I have to be the one keeping an eye on those two?" Delilah asked Rictor.

"Well you are mature for your age," laughed Bobby.

Rictor looked up at the sky, smiling to herself. "I can't wait to see you again, Laura."

A/N: The new characters that are introduced appeared in the Logan movie.

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