Chapter 21: Fiery Vengeance

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A/N: I'm back. I'm still trying to practice my writing through fanfiction, so I hope I am improving. Vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter.

A day after the villain attack, the news about Class 1-A and 1-B's training camp being infiltrated has spread like wildfire to the rest of U.A. High School's students and teachers. Now, who would be responsible for starting such a thing?

"And both of broccoli boy's arms were covered in casts!" Tommy shouted. Yup... who else but the speedster Tommy Shepherd? "Since Class 1-A was having a heartfelt moment, I decided to ask the 1-B students, but I ended up asking the girls, tried flirting with them, but no prevail!"

Tommy was jumping up and down on a bed, looking down at Shinso Hitoshi, who looked up at him with the same tired eyes.

"How did you get in my house, Shepherd?" Shinso asked the white-haired speedster.

"That doesn't matter," Tommy ignores Shinso's question before continuing. "From what I heard from the 1-A peoples' conversation, Laura and boom boy was kidnapped by the villains?!"

Shinso rubs his tired eyes and looks at Tommy again, noticing the white-haired boy stopped jumping and sat down crisscross on the bed. He couldn't believe that he ended up in the same class with an energetic guy like Tommy, more in disbelief with the fact that the super speedster failed the hero exam. Apparently, the reason was that Tommy was busy flirting with the other female exam-takers.

"You're talking like we should do something about it," The purple-haired teen sighed.

"And why shouldn't we?" Tommy questioned.

"Because it's illegal and we're not heroes, we're just students," Shinso crosses his arms and leans back into his chair. "Better having the pros handle this instead of some stupid kids."

Tommy groaned and laid down on the bed, covering his eyes. "Crap, HE'S gonna be PISSED when he finds out what happened to Laura..."

"Who?" Shinso asked with a raised brow, confused by who Thomas could be talking about.

Tommy sat back up before hopping off of the bed. "I gotta go; we'll hang out later," he said before leaving the room at super speed, making Shinso's hair blow back a bit.

Shinso didn't bother to fix his hair. "I never said I wanted to hang out with you, Shepherd..." he said to himself, wondering how he can stand Tommy.


Earlier, at the hospital where Midoriya and all the other injured and unconscious victims of the villain attack. Most of Class 1-A were in Izuku's room, and Kirishima was arguing with Iida.

"IT'S IDIOTIC, KIRISHIMA!" Iida shouted at the hardening-quirk boy. "DO YOU REALLY EXPECT TO GO SAVE THEM BY YOURSELF?!"

"Hell yeah, I am!" Kirishima yelled back at his class's class rep. "If I don't, what's the point in taking the hero course?! How can I call myself a man if I do nothing?!"

"He's right, I'll go with him," Todoroki said, agreeing with Kirishima. "Bakugo and Laura were their main targets, and they took them alive, but we don't know if they'll kill them or not."

"But what's the point in killing them?" Mina asked Todoroki. "A-and Laura can't die, can she?"

When Todoroki mentioned the word "kill" and Tsuyu's question about Laura's regenerative limits, it made the students fear and worry for Bakugo and Laura even more.

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