Chapter 11: Nice Costume

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Laura held onto a suitcase that had her superhero costume in it. The girls and some of the guys in her class crowded around her, asking questions about her costume.

"What's the design of your costume, Laura?" Uraraka asked.


"I bet it'll look badass! Like the Wolverine's!" Mina shouted.

Laura chuckled nervously as she looks at the suitcase. "Lets just get ready for hero training."


"Hmm..." All Might looks at the group of students, not seeing Laura anywhere. "Do any of you know where Laura is?"

"Maybe she's still changing." Tsuyu answered.

"I'm here!!!"

They all turn around to see Laura running towards them. She wore black spandex leggings, halterneck crop top with slim spaghetti straps that tie behind the neck. Long sleeve leather gloves, combat boots and a belt with an X on the belt buckle. Laura stopped and bowed to All Might, "sorry for being late!"

All Might kept his signature smile on his face. "It is all right, Laura! We wouldn't start without a missing student!" Some of the boys were looking at Laura as she felt like the costume was too much.

"Nice costume, Laura." Uraraka smiled at me.

"I think it's a little... what's the word?" I started thinking for a moment. "... erotic."

Uraraka chuckled softly and gestured to Momo wearing her costume. "You're not the only one."

We'll be doing some sort of rescue training race today at some large field full of factories and alleys. Once we start, All Might will send up a distress signal somewhere inside and someone has to rescue him first.

After the training, the girls and I were in the locker room. I sighed to myself. "I need to get faster," I said as I changed back into my uniform.

"I'm sure you'll get faster, Laura," Uraraka smiled at me.

"I still can't believed you climbed up that building with your claws," Mina giggled. I chuckle softly and looked at my fist. Hitting even though my claws penetrated through the building, my knuckles bruise up from hitting the concrete walls a bunch.

"So you guys have any plans for the summer?!" Toru asked with excitement.

After all of the other girls told their summer plans, they all looked at me.

"What about you, Laura?" Asui asked me.

"Well..." I scratched my head. "I'm going to Canada."

"Ooo~" Mina sang. "Is it because of the snow or the cute tall boys?"

"I'm actually going there to see some old friends." I answered.

"What are they like?" Momo asked.

"You could say... that they're like family to me," I smiled.

"Umm, guys?" Jiro caught our attention. "Was this hole in the wall here before?" We all looked at a small hole in the wall.

"I don't remember that being there," Mina said.

Jiro sticks one of her earphone plugs in the wall then sighed to herself. "Mineta is trying to peek on us."

Some of the girls cringed or scoffed in disgust. I was confused about what she means by peeking. Jiro then sticks her earphone plug into the hole and before we know it, we hear Mineta scream in agony from the other side of the wall.

The Next Day

We were all back in class, in our assigned seats, waiting for Aizawa Sensei to say something.

"Uh... summer vacation is close at hand," Aizawa says. "Of course, it would be completely irrational for all of you to take a whole month off."

"Don't tell me..." Denki mutters. I tilt my head in confusion. What's going on?

"You'll be doing summer training in the woods," Aizawa announced. Most of my classmates cheered while some talked to themselves. To be honest, I was surprised and pretty excited. But I'm really disappointed that I'll have to change plans with my trip to Canada.

After class, I was in the bathroom of the school while everyone else was in the cafeteria. I dialed my phone and called Julio (he was the boy with telepathic-looking powers in Logan). After calling Julio, he answers.

Julio: Laura?

Laura: Hey, Julio.

Julio: It's been a long time. Hey guys! Laura's on the phone!

I could hear everyone saying hello to me on the phone as I giggled and smiled to myself.

Laura: Hi everyone!

Julio: So, are you able to come visit?

I was afraid he'd ask me that. I sighed.

Laura: Sadly... no. We have this training camp for school this summer. But we can only go if we pass the final exam.

Julio: Then, just fail the final exam.

Laura: I'm not gonna fail my final exam!

Julio: Why are you failing the class?

Laura: No... I'm actually in the top ten of my class.

I could hear Julio sigh through the phone.

Julio: It's OK. Will you be able come visit once the training camp is over.

Laura: Of course I will.

Julio: Alright. Everyone say bye to Laura!"

I hear them all say bye as felt a tear drop from my eye, I wiped the tear off and giggled joyfully.

Laura: Bye everyone!

I hung up and left to the cafeteria.


The practical exam... I almost forgot about this, but thankfully Mariko reminded my with a bunch of sticky notes on my bedroom door. I wore the same costume I wore during the rescue training exercise. From what I saw, most of the teachers were here and Izuku told me that we'll be fighting against the one of the teachers in pairs.

"Laura," Aizawa said, everyone's attention fixated at me. "Since you don't have a partner, you'll be going first."

I gulped to myself, a little nervous to fighting one of the teachers. "And which teacher will I be fighting?"

"You won't be fighting us," Aizawa answered. My classmates and I were surprised from hearing this. "Let me introduce you to someone." A man walked out from behind the teachers wearing a blue military-looking uniform with white and red stripes and a star on the chest. My classmates looked at him in awe.

"This is American hero, Captain America," Aizawa introduced the American Avenger.

"Please, sir. Just call me Steve," the blonde hero had a smile on his face.

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