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"Meet me where the falling stars live" – Alexandra Vasiliu


I woke up to a faint metallic sound and deep brown eyes staring down at me. It took me a second to realize I was still inside Matt's car. The seat belt slid out of my shoulder and Matt gave me an apologetic look. "I was trying not to wake you. I was going to carry you inside, sorry."

"Mhmm, that's ok," I rubbed my eyes, refraining as soon as I remembered I had makeup on. "I didn't sleep much last night."

"Do you want me to take you home?"

Glancing over Matt's shoulder, I realized we were outside his house. Sabrina had gone to back to Newport with Brian earlier for Christmas. I stayed to attend Matt's family dinner party, and I was also eager to have a moment for myself going back home since Dr. B allowed me to drive on my own.

"It's late. And it's cold. No point in driving back, I suppose."

He squeezed my hand, helping me out of the car. "I can sleep in my office. The couch there is quite comfy." I nodded, following him inside the house, eager for the warmer temperature I knew I was going to find.

As it had happened the first time I was in the house, I stopped by the table crowded with pictures. Many of those faces I could recognize from the dinner; they were not just pictures anymore to me, there were names, voices attached to the images.

"I enjoyed tonight, Matt. Your family is amazing."

His smile was full of pride as our eyes connected. "I told you they would get along with you. Tea?" He asked, moving to the kitchen.

"Actually, just a glass of water would be fine."

He rose an eyebrow but smiled at me. "Sure. The kids were a little over the top. They get too excited about new people."

I followed him, retrieving the glass from his hand, and hoping on the countertop, causing my dress to ride up a few centimeters. Matt's eyes lingered on my black tights. Both his hands rested on my knees as he made space to fit between my legs, dropping a kiss on my lips.

"The kids were great. I had a lot of fun with them."

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"I know you have been agitated about your conversation with Mara. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't feel in the mood to socialize with a big noisy family."

"Well, it definitely helped to keep my mind off things."

"Oh. If all you needed was a distraction, you could have said earlier," he said the last words against my ear, the vibration of his lips made me shiver.

My hands wrapped around his neck, guiding his face. He wasted finding my lips, his mouth moving in sync with mine in a kiss that grew hotter by the second... and it sure was distracting.

His hands slid easily up my legs. Matt's soft palms, warm against the texture of the tights, created a surprisingly sensual feeling. Disappearing underneath my dress, his thumbs grazed the inside of my thighs, charging my body with desire.

It felt good; too good to think about anything else.

"Alexa..." my name wasn't spoken, instead exhaled between labored breaths, coated with lust.

"Don't stop."

His grip on my legs intensified, but he did not let his hands wander upper, and they were just so close...

"Open your eyes, Alexa." I did as he told me out of instinct. There was a soft shade of pink in his cheeks and hot flames behind the darkness of his eyes. "Now tell me again if you don't want to stop."

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