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I walked the rest of the day before sleeping in a park that I found. For the next 2 days, I ask someone for directions in the morning, to make sure that I stay on track and walk most of the day. I go to sleep in alleyways and I try my best to keep my clothes as clean as possible. I decided that I wouldn't change my clothes, I need to make sure my school uniform was clean and I wanted clean clothes to wear at the festival (It was just another plain short sleeve shirt and shorts). I use my backpack as a pillow and try to use my explosions to warm myself up, but it didn't work very well.

I slowly open my eyes. My body is shivering from the winter cold, but it wasn't as cold as the basement, so it doesn't bother me. I get up off the ground and start walking again. My clothes aren't crazy dirty but you could tell I had been wearing them for a while. As I get up, I hear my stomach growl for the first time since I ran away. It has been a couple of days since I left and I would probably be eating at some point today if I was still in the basement. I shrug it off, not knowing how I was going to get food. There is no way that I could steal food from someone, not if I wanted to ever be a Hero, but without money, the only option left was to either ask someone or look through the garbage. I shake my head at the thought of either of them and push it to the back of my mind, knowing full well that I could hold off on that decision until tomorrow.

I walk most of the day until the sun sets. I decide that I should find somewhere to go to sleep for the night. I thought that I would walk more of the day, these past few days, but I slept for a while and I know that I have time to get to Kyoto, so there is no point in rushing, especially since my body is telling me to sleep. However, I am still nervous because I am walking much slower than a normal pace because my body aches and hasn't recovered from Toga or my mom.

I find another alleyway and head to the back. As I lie down I can feel just how much pain my body is in. I mean I am used to it, but I haven't recovered from my first night being home and then I walked for five days straight on one meal. I am no doctor, but I know that doing that isn't very good for you. But it doesn't matter. I know that tomorrow or the day after I will reach Kyoto and I can rest there while I wait for everyone else. It puts a smile on my face knowing that I will be able to see my friends and their stupid faces. I fall asleep pretty fast, the demons aren't loud enough to keep me awake. They have been pretty quiet lately, I am sure my mind and body are trying to figure out how it is still moving, instead of worrying about attacking me.

I feel my body jolt to the side and my eyes open up instantly. I hear footsteps running toward the back of the alley and then they stop and I hear crying. Someone ran into me and didn't even realize that I was here. Tch. I slowly get up and look at who is over there.

Oh my. A little kid is crying in the dark corner of the alley. I rush over there and kneel down next to him. This should be nothing if I want to be a hero. As I kneel next to him, I can see he is terrified and his whole body is shaking. I raise my arm up to place on his shoulder, but as soon as he sees my hand raise he flinches and starts crying louder.

Someone has been beating him. I can feel my blood start to boil. How can someone harm such a little kid!?! What is wrong with people!

"Hey buddy!" I say as softly as I can muster, "Are doing okay?"

He doesn't reply so I look him over and see bruises all around his body. SOMEONE IS DEFINITELY HURTING THIS LITTLE KID!!! How can someone be so cruel! This is unacceptable.

"Hey buddy, I know someone has been mean to you, but don't worry I will protect you okay. I am not going to let anyone hurt you okay. I swear on my life that the people who hurt you won't do it again." He looks up at me with tears in his eyes, "Now who did this to you?"

His snuffles a little and wipes the eyes from his tears "My mommy and daddy. They have been fighting a lot and then they blame me and hit me."

I am no longer cold, my whole body is hot and I can barely stop myself from screaming. "Okay buddy. You don't have to worry about them anymore. Come on, let's get out of here and go walk around."

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