Rip Todoroki

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The rest of the day everything else is pretty normal, except for the fact that I couldn't stop staring at Kirishima during class and then after school, he sat on my lap while we did homework, but I am really sad when I have to go to work early. I need to talk to the old man and Hina so they know that this is going to be my last week at work. I hug Kirishima goodbye as the rest of the class is huddled around the common area and is playing on my switch. They all lost their minds when I told them about it and that they could play if they wanted to. Apparently, it was decided that they were going to have a MarioKart class tournament (minus me) all night long.

I decide to go to the diner first, that way I could just stay at the store instead of leaving it and then coming back right after.

I walk into the diner and go straight to the back. The waitress there was pretty busy with customers and didn't even see me. I open the door to Hina's office and she is surprised to see me. I tell her that I am going to quit and she gets sad, but thanks me because I helped her make a lot of money and revived her diner for her. She hugs me and says that she will have a gift for me on Sunday after my last shift. We say goodbye and I head over to the grocery store. It is about 9:15 pm and the store is closed, but I hope that the old man hasn't left yet.

I open the door, which is locked, and walk-in. The old man is in the backroom and I scare him as I walk in. I told him that I wanted to quit and that it wasn't anything wrong with him, but I just wanted to have more time. He also gets sad at that, but said that I have been a big help. I tell him that I will stop by every now and then to say hi and he said he would really appreciate that. He then tells me that since Friday night is my last night working for him he will have two day's worth of a paycheck waiting for me on Friday, that way I won't have to come back to get my money for working my last day. After that, he heads out and even though I am about an hour and a half early I get to work. I do some extra cleaning.

The rest of the week feels so unreal. Kirishima is always in contact with me outside of the classroom and it is the most wonderful thing ever. Everyone found out about us and they were happy for us, which somewhat surprised me, but it made me happy that they were happy. Before I knew it was Sunday night and I was on my way home from work. Two days before, the old man left me with my final paycheck and an extra candy bar and today Hina gave me my money and a goodie-bag with a note from all of the waitresses. I was sad to say goodbye, but I knew that I would see them again, so it wasn't completely sad.

I get back to the dorms; this week I was the only person that had stayed for the weekend. I go up to my room and put my money away and place the goodie-bag on my desk. I was a little sad that Kiri left for the weekend, but he said it was his mom's birthday so there was no way that he could miss it.

But I get happy thinking that we can finally have the same schedule and we can be with each other the whole week.

I decide to play Animal Crossing for the first time since everyone always wanted to play Smash or MarioKart.

It isn't as an intense game as Smash or MarioKart, but I really like that you get to pick everything about yourself. I named my character King Explosion and made him look just like me. They even asked when my birthday was! Then these two little raccoon guys fly me over to a deserted island. I think their dad told me that it is my job to make this island a home and I get to work following his directions. It is pretty boring but it is a really fun game. And the other villagers are all animals and the two I got are definitely the cutest characters ever. Their names were Erik and Peanut and Erik is a little reindeer and Peanut is a pink squirrel with a purple stripe on her tail. After I play for a while I decide to make everyone else's characters, that way they are surprised when they return back to the dorms and if they don't like how they look, then they could just change it later.

I make Kirishima next and give him his signature stupid spiky hair and name his character Sharky. I set his tent right next to mine, making mine sandwiched between Erik and him. Then I do Mina next, calling her Pinkie and putting her tent over by Peanut. After Mina I make Kaminari's character, calling him Pikachu, setting his tent next to Mina. Then finally I make Sero's character, calling him Tape and putting him next to Kaminari. We are all in a direct line with each other and it makes me happy, thinking that maybe we could actually live next to each other in the future.

I look at the time after I log out of Sero's character and notice it is 1:48 am. Dang normally I would be at work right now. I laugh to myself before shutting everything off and lying in bed. I try to go to sleep, but it takes me a little bit of time before I can.

The next day I get up and get ready for our morning jog. I go downstairs and everyone is down there waiting for me and when I walk over to the group Kiri gives me the biggest hug he has ever given me

'Oi!" I say as our bodies may contact, "I missed you Kiri."

"I missed you too Katsuki! How was your last day of work?"

"Ehh nothing special, but my boss cried when I left. It was...kinda nice but sad at the same time."

"Alright lover boys let's head out before it gets too late." Sero starts laughing at his own joke.

While we run everyone talks about their weekend and what they did and I try to ask Kiri questions about his mom and his life. I want to know everything about him.

At lunch we are all huddled around the table, Mina is trying to throw food over the booth and into Todoroki's drink without him noticing. She has thrown 3 pieces of chicken and he hasn't noticed anything. On the fourth one the chicken flies over the booth, hits Todoroki in the head, bounces off of, and goes straight into his drink. Kaminari and Sero start screaming while Mina is trying to stop laughing as she apologizes to Todoroki who seemed to be mildly amused at our antics. I thought Kirishima would be screaming with the rest of them, but when I look over at him he is staring directly at me.

"Um, did I do something Kiri?"

"No. You just look so beautiful when you are happy. And your smile is really rare so when you do smile I try to absorb it as much as possible."

"Tch. I wasn't smiling. It's just these idiots can be funny sometimes."

At that Kirishima starts laughing and then hugs me. "Katsuki you're the idiot!" He laughs to himself, "But I was wondering if my idiot wants to hold hands while we walk. We haven't before and I just really wanted to. What do you say?"

I am not sure why he wants to hold hands. Maybe that is what couples do, I am not sure. I have never been around couples so I don't know what is normal or what is not. At first, I was nervous about not knowing what to do, but then I saw that Kiri asks me to do a lot of things and so when he asks I say yes. Not only do I make him happy but I think we get to do normal couple things and that makes me happy.

"Yeah, but just know because of my quirk I tend to sweat a lot and my hands are super hot and your face always gets red when you touch me so it is probably going to get worse because my hands are hotter."

"You really are an idiot Katsuki!" He pulls me into a playful hug before reaching down and grabbing my hand. After lunch we walk back to class holding hands and it feels really nice to do so.

After school we head back to the dorms and as we walk Kiri pulls me a little to the side of the rest of the group. "Hey, so you know how I had been sitting on your lap while we did our homework and stuff all last week. I was wondering if you wanted to sit on my lap today?" He looks up at me with the cutest puppy dog eyes.

"I can never say no to that face and you know it! Stop using it against me."

We both just laugh and catch up to the rest of them, who don't seem to have noticed we were behind. 

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