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I get back to the dorms and everyone else is waiting in the common area. I rush up to my room and get changed. This is the first time I get to wear the outfit that I bought for myself with my own money. It is nothing crazy. It is just a plain black shirt, ripped jeans, and a jean jacket. I put it all on and then go to the bottom draw of my desk and grab a small black bag at the back of it. I open up the bag and take out just enough for what I want to buy and some wiggle room. I close the draw and head downstairs to meet up with everyone else.

I head over to the common area, "Okay idiots, let's go."

They all turn around and get up, but Kirishima doesn't move after his head turns to look at me. "Dang man, you look really good in those jeans. And that jacket is really manly. I like fit dude!"

"Thanks," I am still happy from what happened to Mr. Aizawa so hearing Kirishima compliment me makes me all the more happy, "Now let's head to the mall. I don't have to be anywhere until 11 pm tonight!"

They all jump, hearing that we are going to the mall and I am pretty sure Mina winked at Kirishima when no one was looking, again.

We head to the mall, which is about a 30 minute walk, and look at all the stores. We just walk around and talk and pretend to buy clothes and look at everything and it is just really awesome. Kirishima has his hand wrapped around my neck and shoulder most of the time and my back started to hurt because I was slouching so he didn't take it away (although I think he grew just a little bit because I didn't lean down as much).

After about 3 hours we decide it is time to head home, having seen all of the stores. We start to walk back and I completely forgot that we came here so I could buy myself my first gift.

"Wait hold on guys. We have to go back. I didn't buy what I needed to buy. Okay okay, I'll run ahead and buy everything, which is a surprise and I'll meet you guys at the entrance."

I take off running and find the store that I needed. I go grab the Nintendo Switch, MarioKart, Smash, Animal Crossing, and a set of extra controllers. I pay for everything at the register and ask her to wrap everything up so no one could tell what they were. I leave the store and meet up with everyone else.

"Okay Blasty! What did you buy?" Mina asks me as we walk back.

"I told you it is a surprise and I mean it. I know it is mine but you guys can all use it whenever you want, you won't even have to ask me if you want to use it. Okay?"

They all get excited when I say that but it just makes them more anxious to find out what it is.

I decided that I wanted to buy the switch. Everyone always talks about it, but none of them have it and I saved up a lot of money and I never played any video games or anything like that, so I said why not. And I heard MarioKart and Smash is everyone's favorite so I got those and then I heard you get to have a new life on Animal Crossing so I wanted to try it out. I know my life is pretty awesome right now, but it hasn't always been so maybe my new life can start out just as awesome.

We finally make it back to the dorms and we all go up to my room. The common area was being used by others and we didn't want to interrupt them.

Once we get in I sit down on my bed, Kirishima next to me, Kaminari on my desk chair, and Sero and Mina sit on the floor. They are all basically drooling at me as I put the bag in the middle, "Okay, be careful, but open it up."

Mina and Sero pounce on the bag and Kaminari just about falls over in his chair. Me and Kirishima just laugh at the scene.

A few moments later and there is screaming.

"Holy crap!" Sero holds the switch in the air, "YOU GOT A SWITCH!!!! THAT IS CRAZY DUDE."

"What games did you buy with it Bakugo?" Kirishima asks me, but Mina answers before I can.

"He got Smash, MarioKart, and Animal Crossing. OH MY GOSH. You got another set of controllers so more of us could play. You are such a softie Bakugo! It is kind of gross."

"Dang dude, I mean I have always wanted to buy one, but I never had the money. I guess that is what getting a job does for you." Kaminari is still laughing from when he fell earlier.

"I know I was super excited and nervous about buying it, but you guys can play anytime okay. And one of you guys has to help me set up everything because I am not good at any of that."

"Yeah for sure man, I got you." Sero is quick to offer to help.

After that, we all crowd around Sero as he sets everything up and then makes separate accounts for everyone. We eventually get everything figured out and put in MarioKart, but it says that it needs to download. Everyone gets sad at that. I look at the time and realize it is 10:40 pm!

"Guys I have to go, I am going to be late!"

I quickly open my bottom drawer and throw the black bag in it. Then I rush over to the closet and take off my clothes and change.

"Okay you guys can stay here as long as you want and you can play if you want to okay! And oh I know that you are super excited about playing and stuff, but remember we are going running tomorrow morning and after school, we are still going to do our homework okay? We can't start slacking off because you did good or because you want to play video games! We need to make sure we stay on top of our school work and training! Alright, I hope it's fun and I'll see you later!"

I run out the door but someone grabs my hand.

"Hey man, I know everyone thanked you earlier, but thanks so much Bakugo! I really appreciate all the time and effort you take to help us with our work. I struggled so much last semester, but this time it was like I actually understood everything. And I am just so happy that you were able to buy this. I remember during Winter Vacation and the talk we had and tried to not let it bother me, but it did, but you worked your butt off every day non-stop, and look at the result of it! I am just so happy for you." The whole time he holds my hand and it makes me feel warm inside and as he finishes talking he pulls me into a hug and I wrap my arms around him back. "Also I know now is not a good time or anything, but I need to talk to you. Alone. So maybe tomorrow we can eat lunch by ourselves or something."

We pull away from each other, "Thanks Kirishima. I really appreciate that. And yeah, we can eat lunch by ourselves tomorrow. How about on the roof? I used to eat up there by myself all the time."

"That sounds awesome dude! I'll see you, tomorrow man! Have fun at work!"

"Definitely! See you tomorrow!"

I take off running to work and make it just in time.

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