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We look at the time and it reads 5:24 am. I look back at Kiri, he is already looking at me and in unison, we nod our heads. Both agreeing to skip school today. We lie back down on my bed and collapse into one another. I lie down on top of Kiri and he squeezes my hips in a big bear hug.

"Holy crap Katsuki. How have I never noticed before? Your waist is so tiny. Hahahah. What the hell stand up for."

"What the hell is wrong with you Kiri. I am not going to stand up rig-"

"Katsuki, just do it. It will only take a second and it is not that hard."

"Tch. Fine" Kiri releases me and I get up from my bed.

"Tch? I haven't heard that in a long while. Hahahah oh my god." Kiri is looking at me standing only in my underwear, "Dude for as tall and broad and muscular as you are, your waist literally is like for a 12-year little girl or something. Hahahah what the hell is up with that."

"Okay, okay." I jump back onto him, maybe making my elbow land on his gut on purpose, but only maybe, "It is not funny. You know I could be laughing at you for having a small body you-know-what but you don't see me doing that." I say, a little mad, remembering how Toga had said the same thing.

"Hey why would you say that? That is so mean and I didn't think that bothered you." He got quiet toward the end, "I was just making fun of you but now you are just being mean."

He tries to push me off, but couldn't because of the position we are in.

"Awww don't be sad. I don't think you're small at all. I was just talking about your calves. You really need to start working out your legs more." I feel bad for making him sad so I turn myself so that I am lying directly on top of him.

We stare into each other's eyes and it is just a magical moment.



Small smiles coming to both of our faces.



Neither of us breaking contact.

"Can you be mine for the rest of time?"

"I wouldn't want to spend it any other way Katsuki. Now kiss me."

We kiss, a really long and passionate kiss and it feels so amazing. I pull back so that we can catch our breaths and the next thing I know I wake up, still on top of Kiri.

I look at the time and it is 11:49 am. Welp, we for sure missed school today. But it doesn't matter. I am so relieved that I finally told someone everything and that someone was Kiri.

I put my head back down on his chest, my head rising and falling as he takes in the air. I sit like that for another hour, my head empty of all thoughts and I just embrace the moment.

Kiri wakes up.

"Hey Katsuki, are you awake?"

"Yeah. What's up?"

"What time is it?"

"1:01, and I think we missed school." We both laugh at that.

"Hey Kiri, if we get changed we can go to my old work and get some lunch. I am sure the waitresses want to say hi to me."

"Heck yeah man. I am starving."

I lean up and double pat his chest before getting completely off of him and start to put my clothes on. He gets up off the bed and does the same thing, but he only has to put a shirt on.

After we both are ready, I grab some money and we leave the dorms, making sure no one sees us. We walk down to the diner holding hands, and it takes us an extra ten minutes to get to it. We go in and Akari is working and she screams and tells me hi. Then I introduce Kiri and her mouth drops,

"I did not know that you liked guys Bakugo. I never would have guessed. Especially since you literally would flirt with 5 girls at once when you worked here. Haha but that is really awesome. I am so happy for you guys!"

She starts to lead us to our table, but Kiri doesn't move, "Wait. hahah. Did I hear that right Akari? Bakugo would flirt with 5 girls at once?" Kiri's face has confusion written all over it.

Akari turns around, "Oh yeah. All the time and whenever a group of girls came, which increased because of Bakugo, I would make sure he would wait on their table because they always bought way more stuff because of him. The girls would come in on the weekends just so they could stare at him and talk to him. Hina called you the diner's special dessert item: The Eye Candy."

"What?" I have no idea what Akari is talking about, but both her and Kiri start laughing after she calls me eye candy.

"Haha Akari that is golden. Thank you so much for that."

"What are you guys even talking about?" I was a little mad, but more confused.

"She said that a bunch of girls ate here because they liked staring at you and your hot body. Hahahah, I mean I can see why. But don't be mad, you should take it as a compliment. Now come on, let's go eat."


We sit down and Kiri talks the entire time, only stopping to put food in his mouth. Then I pay for everything and leave a big tip for Akari before we head out.

As we are walking back to the dorms Kiri looks a little concerned.

"Hey Kiri, what is the matter?"

He takes a deep breath, "Well, I am still just sad that you had to go through everything by yourself. And I know it was fine and everything, but you know that you won't ever be alone with your problems again, right?"

"Yeah," I say in a way sweeter voice than I have ever heard out of my mouth before, "And neither will you."

We turn and look at each other, which brings smiles to both of our faces.

"Hey, before we go back, can we go to my house. I want to ask my mom if you can live with us. I mean I know she will say yes, but the sooner I ask the better."

"Of course, but what are we going to tell her?"

"Katsuki, I don't want to lie to my mom. Especially not if we are going to ask her something so big."

"You're right." I look down.

"But we don't have to tell her everything. We can just say that your parents abused you so you ran away and have been living in the dorms since."

"Sounds like a plan...Thanks Kiri. I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you and so for the rest of our lives I am going to try to repay you for that."

I let go of his hand after saying that,

"Now come one, I'll beat you home."

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