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No one deserves that.

My words rattle throughout my body. I don't deserve that either. I don't deserve to be tortured by the League of Villains. I don't deserve to be beaten and chained up by my parents. I don't deserve to have "Toga" carved into my body for the rest of my life. I know I did some bad things, but I don't deserve that. No one does, not even my mom. Not even the League of Villains. No one deserves what I have been put through. I can't go back home. I can't return there ever again. I don't know where I will go, I don't know what I will do, but I know that whatever I do I can't go back there. There are other ways for me to forgive myself for what I did to Deku, but getting beaten and tortured and attacked is not one of them.

I start crying and I hug Kaisho, both of us embracing each other as we sit there crying. The next few hours were a blur. I don't remember much, but I know they took Kaisho away after we were given food. I think they talked to him about everything and told him what was going to happen.

My mind is shocked back into reality as I walk out of the police station with the officer behind me.

"Uhh, thank you officer for all of your help today. I am really glad that we got Kaisho away from those crazy people and into a better home." I turn to start walking away but I stop when he starts talking.

"Hey Kid, I am not going to ask you why look at beat up, but here." He hands me a small black bag. I take it and open it up, revealing about 5000 yen. "I know you walked all the way from the east coast to get here and you didn't look like you had any money. Otherwise, you would have taken the bullet train. So here you go, you know for the festival and to let you onto the Bullet Train to bring you back home. You deserve it. You changed that kid's life for the better."

I look at him, my mouth open, and then back at the bag.

"No." I say pushing the bag into his chest, "I can't take this, I don't deserve that and it doesn't matter if I can get on the bullet train. I can just walk home like I walked here, it's not that bad."

The officer doesn't take the bag back, "Look Katsuki, I can tell you don't have the best home life. And besides, you were a Hero today and Heroes get paid, so take it. It would make me feel really happy if you did. And it isn't even all that much, so don't think too much about it!"

I stare at him with the bag in my hand, "Thank you. See ya, I guess."

"You're welcome Katsuki and have fun at the festival tomorrow!"

I walk away, no destination in mind, but now I have money and that's a start.

I walk to a park and sit down on the bench. Dang, so I am never going to return home. I don't have to go back to that place. I feel nervous. I have no clue what I am going to do. Where will I live, how will I eat, what am I going to do?

Well, to start at least I don't have to worry about school days. I can sleep in the dorms, so once school starts I don't have to worry about it. So until then and when I can't live in the dorms because of the seasonal vacation I will just sleep in the streets.

I need to get a job. I won't be able to ever eat if I don't have money. Okay, so first thing when I get back "home" that I am going to do is to see where I can get a job. I can work during the night when there is school and then all day on Saturday and Sunday. That would be perfect. Then I don't have to worry about being out on the street all day and I will be making money. Great, I just need to find somewhere that will hire me.

Okay next I need to figure out what I have. I dump out the contents of my backpack onto the bench. My school uniform, a shirt, shorts, three notebooks, a folder with a bunch of school papers in them, a pencil, and a pen. Then I have my shirt, pants, socks, and shoes that I am wearing. And the 5000 yen from the officer. Okay Okay. I can do this.

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