The Diner

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After what seems like an hour of hugging we break apart and head to our class. The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly and after school, we all head to the common area of our dorms and start our homework. It isn't much because it was our first day back, but we finish up fairly quickly, Kaminari and Mina are already struggling but by the end of it they had everything down.

The rest of the week goes by pretty quickly and before I even realize it I am on my morning jog Saturday morning. Nothing crazy happened these last few days but I feel like our bond is starting to grow. I still don't talk much within the group, unless it is when we are all studying, but no one seems to care. I noticed that the demons completely go away sometimes, like at lunch, but most every other time they are at the back of my mind. They didn't "rise to the top" at all this week and I think a couple of things factor into it.

Firstly, I think this is the first time I have ever been pretty happy and I know it is the first time that I have ever had friends. Secondly, I am no longer worried or stressed out about my mom and what she is going to do to be. I no longer live in fear. Lastly, I am no longer angry all of the time or screaming all of the time and while all the others in class seem to be wary of it (Oh I also learned everyone's name this week), I know that it is a good thing.

But the truth is, they are still there and I don't think that my demons will go away until I confront Midoriya. I have to do that sooner than later. I don't expect him to forgive me, but hopefully, he understands that I am so sorry for what I did and maybe we can move past everything, but I don't want to push it. I just hope he knows I am sorry and that I hope he becomes an amazing hero and since I know about his secret that maybe I could help him get better with his quirk.

I get back to the dorms and change into my diner uniform. I am really nervous because they said that they were coming today and I don't want to mess anything up or look too stupid in front of them or my boss.

Most people left last night to go back home, but Uraraka, Tsuyu, Tokoyami, and Sato are still in the dorms. I am able to leave before seeing any of them, probably because they are sleeping in and I am glad that I don't have to talk to them.

I get to work right before we open and get ready for the day, butterflies still in my stomach. I work the next few hours and there is no sign of the idiots coming. I go into the kitchen to get food for an old couple and when I come back out, the entire front of the diner is filled with my entire class and everyone from 1-B.

I stand there with my mouth open. What the heck is going on. I told the four idiots to come, no one else! Akari is talking to all of them, but no one is listening to her and I keep hearing my name. I bring the food over to the elderly couple and apologize to them about the ruckus, they just laugh and say that everything is fine.

I turn to the 39 idiots all standing at the front door and everyone starts cheering, and some of them are laughing. At the sound of that Hina busts through the door, ready to scream, but her mouth drops when she sees everyone at the door.

I walk over to them and tell everyone to calm down, everyone is either congratulating me or making fun of me. My face gets red at that. I tell them that they can sit anywhere, but they need to make sure they aren't disturbing the elderly couple. Once they start dispersing I find Kirishima and grab him by the arm and pull him to the side.

"What the heck, why is everyone else here. I only invited you guys?"

"Oh well you said you might get a raise man, so we all decided to tell everyone else. And besides everyone in the class wanted to see where you worked and we are all hungry! So it's a win-win-win! Now get to work man!" He laughs as a huge smile stays on his face while he walks to the table with Sero, Mina, and Kaminari.

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