Kirishima's Mom

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Smut Warning


For the next few weeks, everything seems so wonderful. We hold hands as much as possible. We fall asleep in my bed together every night. I love when he talks all the time and I just stare at him while his lips move and he acts things out and it is just amazing. We have been really good about staying on top of our schoolwork and every day we all go workout afterward and it seems to be making a difference. Others have asked to join us with our schoolwork and training sessions (thankfully no one asks to run with us in the morning). Before I know it, the entire class is downstairs in the common room working on our school work every day. I was put in charge of everyone, but Momo and Iida are usually the ones that also help. Then after that, we all go to the open gym and train. The teachers seem to have noticed because they all comment on how everyone is vastly improving and that no class has ever had as good of grades before. Aizawa gives me another talk and I am glad that I am able to help everyone.

Everything is going amazing in my life and I love how close I have become with Kiri. The only thing that sucks is when he leaves for the weekend to go home with his mom. We still go places to hang out, but at night we no longer get to sleep in each other's arms and I feel like something is missing.

I see that something is up with Kiri during class so at lunch I ask him what's up. He says that he wants me to meet his mom and that I should come over tonight after school because it is Friday. He says I could spend the weekend with them, if I want and if my mom allows me to. I tell him I would want nothing more than to spend the weekend with him.

The rest of the day I feel really nervous. I am really excited to finally meet his mom and see where he lives, but what if she doesn't like me. Kiri tries to calm me down for the rest of the school day, but it doesn't help. Once we get back from the gym I go pack my backpack. Me and Kiri head out after that for his home. It takes about 15 minutes to get to his house and we hold hands the entire way.

He walks up to the door and I feel my stomach drop. I am so nervous right now. He opens the door and screams for his mom.

I hear shuffling from another room as I walk into his house and take my shoes off.

A woman comes out from the hallway and screams, I see where he gets it from. She comes running toward me, "You must be Katsuki. Eijiro has told me so much about you and I just couldn't believe how lucky he was, but now that you are here I realize he is even luckier than I thought!!!"

Kirishima's face gets red, "Mom! Seriously!?!"

"Umm thank you," I nervously laugh and put my hand on my neck, "I think I am the lucky one."

"Oh my, you are just adorable! Well I don't mean to be rude, but I have to get to work, so I'll see you boys tomorrow morning and we can talk all day tomorrow okay. Bye Eji, I love you! And it was so wonderful to meet you, Katsuki!"

"Bye mom! Love you too and see you in the morning." Kirishima hugs his mom.

"It was nice meeting you too!" I say, expecting her to leave, but she grabs me and pulls me into a hug before she opens the door and walks out.

"Sorry about my mom. She can be a little much at times and she works at nights, so I am usually by myself until the morning. But she texted me earlier and said she made us dinner so we can go eat it if you want." He closes the door and starts walking to what I assume is the kitchen.

"Your mom is really nice Kiri. And I didn't know you talked about me." I laugh as I see his face look a little surprised.

We eat dinner his mom made for us and then watch TV. I haven't really ever watched TV, except for with the class in the common room, so I don't know what is happening in the show. So Kiri explains the entire plot to me and I just absolutely love when talks like this. He is so passionate and he moves around a lot and acts things out and it is the cutest thing ever and I could watch him all day.

Around 10 pm we go up and he shows me his room and it looks pretty identical to his dorm room. I ask if it is okay if we sleep with each other tonight and he says yes and so we climb into his bed but instead we face each other.

We lay there staring at each other before Kiri moves closer. "Katsuki," His voice is very soft and hardly audible, "Can I," He licks his lips and moves closer so our noses touch, "Can I kiss you."

I nod my head as I stare into his eyes. My heart starts pounding. I know I am bad at knowing about relationship stuff, but I know about kissing. It hadn't even crossed my mind before right now, but as he says it I can feel my heart start beating faster.

"Kiri...have you ever done this before?" I ask before I even realize what words are coming out of my mouth. I don't know why I asked him that, it just came out. He shakes his head and moves closer.

"We can learn...together...Katsuki." As my name rolls off his tongue his lips embrace mine. It feels a little weird at first but we take each other in and my heart goes back to normal. We lay there kissing, softly kissing, for a while. It was amazing and I had never felt anything like it before. After a little while, he starts sucking on my bottom lip and it feels so good. My arms pull his body closer to mine and his hands are tangled in my hair. He lets go of my lip and I start sucking on his. After I let go, we go back to kissing, this time intensely. My hands start rubbing his back as he grabs my hair and pulls me closer.

The kiss gets more and more intense and that's when his tongue leaves his mouth and touches my lips. I open my mouth and his tongue darts into it and it circles my mouth as my tongue follows his. Right as his tongue enters mine I hear him moan a little and he pulls my body on top of his. I lie on top of him as our tongues play with one another. I move my hands so that one is in his hair and the other cupping his chin and cheek. His hands move down from my hair to my lower back.

Our bodies are rubbing up against each other. My legs are on the outside of both of his and my crouch just below his, not touching anything. As we kiss he moves his body up, toward our heads and I feel something hard against my stomach.

I stop kissing him, "Kiri I think you need to go to the bathro-"

"Shut up and kiss me." he pulls my head down to his lips and continues to move back and forth, his dick rubbing against my lower torso. I feel my stomach start to feel weird. It has never felt this way before, so it is a good weird. He stops moving for a second lowers himself so that our dicks touch. Then he starts moving again, grinding his hips against mine and that's when it happens. The feeling in my stomach grows, but it is not the only thing.

I feel my dick harden and press up against my pants. What is happening? It feels really good and it seems like my dick has grown.

I stop kissing him, "Kiri my dick is hard? Why is that?"

He starts smiling and lifts his hips up so our dicks touch. "I told you, I would teach everything you need to know. Now shut up and kiss me some more. And I want you to rub your dick against mine." He lifts his head up so we start kissing and I start moving up and down against his body so our dicks grind into each other.

I don't know what this feeling is, but it feels amazing. We are in that position, kissing and grinding each other, for about an hour and it was great. We switch positions a couple of times and Kiri pulls away from my lips when he is on top. Both of us breathing super heavy. "I can't believe we just did that. That was amazing Katsuki. And I can't believe that I gave you your first ever boner. This is insane." A huge smile comes across his face before he plops down next to me.

"Was that supposed to happen to me Kiri?"

"Well, it would be really weird if it didn't. Don't worry it is so normal and it happens to everyone. It happens to people, sometimes, randomly and every guy has to deal with it. But it means you are excited about something, something sexual. It is pretty manly if you ask me. Now shut up and go to sleep. It is super late and my mom is going to wake us up pretty early.

I fall asleep sometime after Kiri, there was too much on my mind to let me fall asleep. 

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