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Today after school I am going to talk to Midoriya. I leave work and head back to the dorms to get ready for my run. As I walk through the common room on my way out it isn't empty like usual. Instead, the four idiots are all standing there, like they were waiting for me, all in workout attire.

"Hey Bakubro. We all talked yesterday and were wondering if you would let us go on your morning runs with you. I mean we don't want to intrude or anything man, we just thought it would be a good way to work out and we could hang out more." Kirishima says, finishing with an awkward smile and his hand on his neck.

I just stand there frozen. What do I say? I mean I want to hang out with them, but my runs have always been for me. I mean I don't ever have to worry about my demons on my runs. I don't ever have to worry about anything when I run. I just run and it feels so great and I love the silence of the morning air. It is wonderful because it is just me. But I don't want to disappoint them. I don't want to make them sad or hate me. And I do want to hang out more and listen to them talk about nonsense 24/7. I go to open my mouth but nothing comes out. I don't know what to do.

They all notice that I don't know what to say and I had been standing there not saying anything for a while. Kirishima starts to talk again, "Look man, like I said we don't want to intrude on anything. If you don't want us to run with you th-"

"No." I quickly say, that's not it, "I do want to run with you guys, it's just that," I pause and look up at them standing there like timid little sheep, "Yeah, no. Of course you guys can come with me on my runs. But I am not waiting around okay. I leave work, come here, and get changed. I am not going to wait for you guys!"

They all start cheering and Kirishima runs over to me and hugs me. I think my runs may just be getting better.

"Alright you idiots, I don't know how fast you guys are so I will slow down this week, but starting next week you guys need to make sure you keep up with me." I say trying to sound intimidating.

They all start laughing, "Yeah yeah. Whatever Mr. Iamsofast. We can handle it." Mina says as we start our jog. It was pretty nice having them there and I could tell Kirishima and Kaminari were struggling quite a bit which made me happy.

We get back and the boys head to the bathroom to get ready for school. As we are all changing in the bathroom, I almost forget to turn around as I change. The backside of my body has almost no scars if any, but because of Toga, my entire front side is covered in them. Whenever I have to change in the locker room I always make sure my back is shown to everyone so no one sees me. I catch myself before I take off my clothes and turn around. After that we all head out to class, a little later than usual, but I am glad that I am no longer the only one in the classroom for like 20 minutes.

We talk (well I mainly listen like usual) until the bell rings and then everyone in class goes back to their seats. Mr. Aizawa wasn't here yet so I take the opportunity to talk to Midoriya before he makes plans for after school.

I turn around and start talking. "Hey. Midoriya, I was wondering if you wanted to talk after school. I mean I need to talk to you and I was hoping we could after school, but if you don't want to at all or if you can't today that's okay."

We look up at each other at the same time and our eyes lock, "Yeah Kacchan. Of course we can talk after school. Where did, where did you want to meet up?"

"Let's go to the open gym and don't worry I don't want to fight or anything. We just need to tal-"

"ZIP IT! Class has started and none of you should be able to talk." I turn around before I get yelled at by Mr. Aizawa who stood at the front of class with his hair up and eyes glowing red.

The rest of the day goes by slower than usual and I tell the idiots that I have to do something after school, so they should start without me and I'll catch up with them once I get to the dorms. Thankfully none of them ask me why.

The last bell rings and me and Midoriya meet at the open gym.

We go sit down on a bench. "Hey. Hey Ka-Kacchan. So you said that you wanted to talk, what is up?"

Before I realize what is happening I start crying. I don't think I have cried in a long time, but my tears start rolling down like it was raining.

"Kacchan it is alright."

"It's...not alright!" I say between sobs, "How can you talk to me after everything that I have done to you? I have been so...so...so horrible, but you talk to me anyway. I don't know how you can be so amazing. Midoriya...........I am so so sorry for what I did to you when we were younger and I am so so so soooo sorry for telling you to kill yourself. I have no idea what I was thinking and I know you can't forgive me, not after that. So I don't expect you to, but I want you to know that I feel so terrible about what I did. I don't want you to kill yourself and I don't know what I would do if you did, but please...please know that I think you are going to be an amazing hero and I don't want... I don't want...I don't want you to kill yourself. I hope you know that and I know that I can never make it up to you, but if you want, I can help you train. I know about your secret and since almost no one else does you are on your own a lot of the time, but I could try to help. I could try to make you stronger than even All Might." I finish talking and start crying even more than before.

Midoriya scoots over a little so our legs are touching and he awkwardly puts his hand on my back, "Kacchan. Of course I forgive you. I don't know what you were thinking when you said that, but I know you didn't mean it, but I didn't know it was bothering you this much, or even at all. But I know you are trying to do better. Everyone in class sees that. I am so happy that you are trying to be a better person, so thank you so much for apologizing. And yes I forgive you. I don't want you to beat yourself up anymore about this okay because I know you are becoming a better person and that more than proves to me and everyone else that you are worthy of being forgiven. And I would want nothing more than for you to help me out with my quirk. That means so much to me that you offered. We can talk later about when and where and stuff but thank you again and I do forgive you."

I sit there and cry for a few more moments before we get up and head back to the dorms and split apart, each having our own stuff to do.

I can't believe he forgave me. That kid is an amazing person and he is going to make an awesome hero. Now I have even more reason to become a better person and I have Midoriya to thank for that.

I meet up with the others in the common area and catch up on the work that they did while I was with Midoriya. We finish pretty early and I notice that they are all starting to do better on their work, which makes me proud of them. They are all trying to do better.

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