Birthday Boy

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Kiri is the first awake this time (which is pretty rare). He wakes me up and we get out of his bed and head downstairs, following the smell of food. His mom is there making breakfast and for the rest of the day, we just sit and talk. It is mainly between me and Kiri's mom and it was really wonderful. She makes us lunch and dinner (I think it is the first time that I have ever had all three meals of the day), which makes my stomach feel like it is about to explode. We played some board games, but they had to explain to me how to play them, both were surprised that I didn't know how to play. Around 7 pm she gets ready for work and then leaves.

We stay on the couch for a while in his living room, he snuggles up against me as we watch TV. I was expecting him to want to go up into his room around 10 pm, but I didn't realize that he had fallen asleep. I stay there in that position for a while but decide that we should go upstairs into his room. I very slowly move out from under him and pick him up to carry him to his bed. I set him down and go back downstairs to grab a drink of water before getting in bed with him. Once I get back up to his room, I lie next to him. I wrap his arms around me and snuggle against his warm body. I fall asleep pretty quickly.

The next day is pretty much the same thing, which I absolutely love because I love talking to Kiri's mom and we leave with her when she leaves for work. She decides to drop us off at the dorms tonight so that we don't have to walk in the morning. Once we get to UA I thank her and give her a big hug and Kirishima says the same thing before she drives away.

"Kiri, your mom is wonderful." I say as Kiri grabs my hand and we start walking toward our dorm building.

"She really likes you Katsuki and you can come over whenever you want okay." I get excited when he says that and he punches me in the arm.

We get back to the dorm and play Smash for a little while before going to sleep. But once we get into bed we start kissing again, but this time it is very slow and passionate and we stop after a couple of minutes.

Kiri looks at me, "Katsuki, I love you." I look into his eyes.

"I love you so much Kiri. I hope you know that I changed myself so that I could be a better person for you. And I am so thankful for you for that and I just love you so much."

He doesn't say anything, he doesn't have to. We just hug each other and fall asleep in each other's arms.

We wake up the next day at basically the same time and get ready for our jog. Today is my birthday, but no one knows. They have never asked me and I have never celebrated it before, so I don't think it is that big of a deal. But apparently, it is to some people.

We get back from the gym and everyone from class goes their separate ways. All of the idiots walk into my room at the same time as I start playing Animal Crossing. They all sit down, Kiri sits in between my legs, and the in-game announcements read, "TODAY WE HAVE A VERY SPECIAL BIRTHDAY. IT IS NONE OTHER THAN KING EXPLOSION'S BIRTHDAY TODAY SO MAKE SURE YOU WISH HIM THE BEST OF BIRTHDAYS!!!"

They all simultaneously scream "What?" Before turning around and staring at me, as if I just killed someone.

"What?" I say

"Bro why didn't you tell us it is your birthday. What is wrong with you."

"What the heck Blasty! You need to tell your friends these things!!!"

"Bakubro you should have told us. None of us bought you gifts!"

"Katsuki, why didn't you say anything?"

"I don't know. You guys never asked me, so I didn't say anything. Besides I never celebrated my birthday before so I didn't think it was that big of a deal.

"Of course it is a big deal!" Kirishima yells at me and pushes my shoulders, causing me to hit the wall.

"Hey chill out guys. It doesn't matt-"

"It does matter Katsuki! It is your birthday and none of us knew or got you presents or got a cake or anything. Okay let's go downstairs and we will get everyone and we will at least make a cake for you and then we are going to have another tournament on Smash and MarioKart because we unlocked everything in both games so it will be more fun. And you are going to come with us and we are going to have fun because it is your birthday!" At that Kiri grabs my wrist and pulls me out of my room before turning around,
"You guys bring the switch and the games and make sure everyone is downstairs in 5 minutes."

"Kiri you know you don't have to do this right? Honestly, I don't care and we never really celebrated my birthday before so it doesn't matter alright."

"No Katsuki." He stops dragging me and grabs both of my wrists to look me in the eyes, "You deserve to have the best birthday ever and it is my job to make that happen. But I didn't even know it was your birthday, I am such a horrible boyfriend and friend. So for the rest of the day I am going to try to make it up to you and then later in the week I will get you an actual present, but I have something planned for later tonight already, so let's go and enjoy your birthday."

I am happy that Kiri wants to do something for me on my birthday, but I hope he doesn't worry too much because I haven't ever celebrated my birthday so I don't really care.

8 minutes later everyone is downstairs wishing me a happy birthday and they are all talking and it seems like everyone is having a good time. A little while after we play some board games and then we start the MarioKart tournament. It takes a while, but Todoroki comes in first this time with Uraraka in second. I got 12th and Kiri got 19th which made me laugh. He got ally pouty afterward and it made him look like 400x cuter than before.

Once the final race was over we stopped to eat the cake that Sato had made, which was just vanilla with vanilla frosting (per my choice) and they sang me a happy birthday song as Sato brought the cake over with candles and all of the lights turned off. Kiri whispers that I need to blow out the candles and make a wish after they finish singing, but it needs to be in my head not out loud.

They stop singing and I blow out the candles and wish that me and Kiri stay together forever. Everyone cheers and then we all start eating the cake. After everyone is done we head back and start the Smash tournament. Shoji and Kiri were in the last battle and I don't think I have ever heard Kiri scream that much and that's saying something. Kiri loses and everyone starts cheering. I go comfort him and I don't even remember what place I was. By the time the tournament is over it is 2:06 am and everyone goes to bed, but not before saying happy birthday to me again. Kiri and I go up to my room and I give him the biggest hug.

"Thanks, Kiri, tonight was really really fun and that was because of you. I had a really good time." I exaggerate my smile as he crashes into me to give me a hug.

"Of course and now it is for part 1 of your gifts." He starts breathing a little more heavily and he seems a little flustered.

"What do you mean Kiri?"

"Look Katsuki, what we did last Friday was amazing. And I want to do it again. But I want to take it to the next step, if you are willing to. I did tell you I would show you everything. So let me show something new tonight." Kiri pushes me onto the bed and goes back to the door to make sure it is locked.

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