chapter 1

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Just some background information about you: 

Your name is Violetta Black. You are in your fifth year at Hogwarts, a Slytherin female, your friends are Luna, Ginny, Neville, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. 

You are bisexual, and the daughter of  Andromeda Black. You do not know who your father is, and you stopped staying with your mother since she started a new family with Ted Tonks. During summers and holidays, you stay with the Weasley family. You and Ginny have been best friends since the first year. 

I hope you enjoy it, this is my first story. 

I woke up to the smell of scrambled eggs and crisp bacon. Two more days until my fifth year.  I rose from one of the two beds in the room. On the other bed lay my childhood best friend, Ginny Weasley. She was sound asleep, which I assumed was because we stayed up all night talking. 

I decided to walk downstairs to greet the rest of what I consider my family. Fred and George sat on one side of the table, flinging egg scraps at Ron when he wasn't looking. 

"Heard from Hermione lately, Ron?" I asked, saying good morning to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley while I poured a cup of pumpkin juice for myself.

"Yes actually, she's going to meet us all at Florean Fortescue's for ice cream later," Ron replied.

I smiled, excited to see my friends before the new school year. As I sat down with a plate full of bacon and eggs, Ginny walked into the kitchen, her auburn hair a tangled mess.

"Morning everyone," she yawned, before sitting next to me and sneakily taking a piece of my bacon. 

I laughed and went up to get her a plate. By the time I returned, half of my bacon was gone. 

"It wasn't me, I swear!" Ginny said covering her mouth with her hand to hide the bacon she was chewing.

I rolled my eyes jokingly and sat back down. Just two more days until I would return to Hogwarts. 

Later that night, I started to pack together some of the basic supplies for the year in my trunk.  As I packed my winter clothes, I found a note in the back of my dresser. 


I miss you dearly, and I'm overwhelmingly proud of my daughter. Thank you for writing to me about coming out. It means the world you would care enough to tell me. I know I haven't been the best mother to you, but I want you to know you are welcome to stop by any time and visit. I won't tell anyone in the family until you are ready. Best of luck to you in your fifth year at Hogwarts.

Love, Andromeda

There, at the bottom of the first letter her mother had sent in months, was a date from earlier in the summer.

June 15, 1996

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