[̲̅o][̲̅n][̲̅e] - i just want to disappear

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[̲̅b][̲̅i][̲̅l][̲̅l][̲̅i][̲̅e] [̲̅p][̲̅o][̲̅v]

i tiptoe quietly out of my room with my duffle bag over my shoulder, as i try my best not to breathe too loud, passing by my brother's open room. i roll my eyes at his loud snores, walking quietly further down the hallway.

i walk past my parent's closed door, but backtrack, standing in front of it with sad eyes.

i can't be sad. i have to go.

i place my hand on the door, and put my forehead against it.

"i'm sorry." i whisper, then pull away from the door before i change my mind. i cascade down the stairs, and quickly walk towards the front door. i turn around to face my house, the last time i'm ever going to see it.

my eyes scan over all the family pictures, the furniture, the decor...

i shake my head. snap out of it. there's no turning back now.

i take a look at the clock above the mantle. 3:09 am.

"let's do this." i whisper to myself, opening the front door and walking out of it, breathing the crisp crack of dawn air, closing the door behind me with a quiet click.

i'm free.

i walk hurriedly down the street, checking my duffle bag at the same time, to make sure that i have everything i need.

"waterbottles, check... extra pair of shoes, check... food, check... phone, check... shit, i might need a new one so they can't trace me." i mumble to myself.

we live by the trains that run throughout this town, and i've been studying the train schedule for the last few weeks, planning my escape.

there should be a train ready to leave in the next twenty minutes.

i pull my hoodie up over my head so that no one can see me, and i pick up my pace, breaking into a light jog, as not to look too suspicious.

as i run through this town, i stare at everything through a sad lens. i don't want to leave this town, but the people in it. that's my driving force. i have to get out of here, i won't be able to stand another second-

i trip over something and fall onto the ground, and i quickly scold myself for being too lost in my thoughts. i get back up and brush myself off, continuing to jog in the direction of the tracks.

i begin to hear the sounds of train horns and smile to myself, realizing that i'm getting close.

i duck behind storage units and vehicles, avoiding the workers that are loading things onto the train.

pulling my phone out of my pocket, i sink onto the ground behind a tree. i look up the schedule for the trains, the one im supposed to catch being the one to arizona.

wait a second.

time of departure: 3:20 am.

what the hell? the time was changed? all this time, for weeks, the time of departure has been 3:30 am. i check the time-

shit! it's 3:21 am.

i look up in horror to see a train pulling off, and i quickly scramble up from my spot on the ground, racing towards the train, with no regard for being seen by the workers.

the train speeds away but i run in tune with it, yelling, "stop!" and "slow down!"

i pick up my pace, catching up to an open car, but not being able to see inside of it, as i'm too focused on how i'm going to jump into it without severely hurting myself.

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