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𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞

a teenage resident by the name of phoebe dawson was sitting on a bench that was attached to the ledge in an upper bedroom of the two-story dawson home with the gleaming sunlight streamed through the windows beside her.

her closed eyes were framed by the sun's rays, which also illuminated the pink and brown highlights in her hair and emphasized her light brown skin.

the room was quiet and cozy...for all of thirty seconds.

said silence was soon interrupted when the teen heard the familiar pleasant voice of her mother coming from downstairs,''phoebe! bonnie's here!''

"be right there, mum!" phoebe yelled back as she quietly sighed and opened her eyes to display her dark brown irises, which appeared lighter in the sunlight.

the girl got up from her seat to put on her black leather jacket to complete her outfit; (consisting of a black 'queen' band short sleeve shirt, black knee-ripped jeans with all-black combat boots).

the dawson girl rushed out of the room, slamming the door shut with a sound that reverberated throughout the home, after gathering her bag and phone from the nightstand.

normally, phoebe wouldn't slam doors, but she was pressed for time.

"alright, i'm leaving, mum," the teen said as she made her way down the stairs and through the front door. love you, bye!" she gave her a friendly smile and waved back before scurrying out the door, but not before hearing the hushed "love you too" and "make sure to eat something" replies after she walked on the porch and closed the door.

as phoebe descended the porch steps and noticed her friend, bonnie bennett's blue toyota parked in front of her house.

she paused for a bit, taking a few long breaths as her chest tightened and her heart started thumping.

she was forced to relive the worst night of her life as memories of that tragic evening flooded her mind.

in pity for her friend, bonnie watched the sight from the automobile, her eyes growing sad.

bonnie would have gotten out of the car and assisted phoebe if this had been a first-time occurrence, but it wasn't.

additionally, she was aware that phoebe would rather go at it alone.

the teen took a few seconds to gather herself and managed to calm her racing heart and breathing.

she continued to walk over to the automobile with her heart still pounding repeatedly.

phoebe hesitantly opened the passenger-side car door to the backseat and climbed inside, leaving the passenger seat free for their other friend, elena gilbert, whose life was even more devastating.


"so grams is telling me i'm psychic" the bennett girl began explaining after picking up elena,"our ancestors were from salem, which isn't all that, i know, crazy. but she's going on and on about it, and i'm like put this woman in a home already!"

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