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"𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅

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"𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅."


The girls arrived at the palace not long after their bet had taken place. They never told each other what they would wager. It's more exciting when they see what they lose after they have lost to the other girl.

Carriages already lined the palace steps. Men and women who were invited to the palace before the ball began arriving. These were the most powerful people in the land and (Y/n) smirked at the fact that she was one of them. I should talk to a few of these people. Aside from being queen, I'll be the one dealing with father's business. It's good to make connections. 

They stepped from the carriage together with their heads held high and gentle smiles on their faces. Their arms were linked together and not a hair was out of place. The two of them were true beauties. There was no contest to that. They could feel the glares of the other women. It felt nice being envied. It just meant they were at the top.

They requested rooms beside each other but the king had taken it a step further and allowed a suite for the two of them to share. They had separate rooms but they shared a living room area. This also made it easier to meet with each other in the night for gossip and such. The king was too generous. 

"This king is marvellous, isn't he? This is a lovely suite. I don't even want to leave it." Liliana sighed deeply as they entered the room. She immediately sat down, rather ungracefully, on the long couch in front of the fireplace.

"It is very pretty. Let's go look at our rooms. Then we need to change to go meet the king. We have to thank him for this. Then you can leave and I will talk business with him. Unless, of course, you want to stay with me?" Y/n asked while surveying the area herself. 

"No, I'm alright. I want to go look at the gardens. I wonder if their flowers compare to our beauty." The girl smirked before standing. "They call me the Lily of the West for a reason."

"You are so full of yourself," Y/n rolled her eyes with a smile. That was true. The pair of them were rather well known. 

"In all seriousness, I hear that the flowers here are beautiful. I want to learn about them. Maybe I can plant a few at home. You know my gardens are my pride and joy."

"If you find some pretty red ones, pick them for me. They'll match my dress."

"Of course, your grace." They laughed together before entering the first room. It was a lovely blue. The curtains matched the bedding and the bedding matched the carpet. There were pictures on the ceiling and windows were large letting in the sunlight. There was also a balcony with large double doors. The room smelt of daffodils and lavender from the perfumes sprayed and the flowers that decorated it. 

"I want this room. This room is mine," Liliana called out immediately. She ran her hands over the soft fabric on the bed before turning back to her friend. "Let's go see your room."

They turned and walked down the short hallway before opening the doors. Y/n had to gasp. This was a room fit for her.

It was darker in comparison to Lily's room. Deep red with accents of gold. The curtains were drawn and pulled back and a canopy hung over the bed with thick, red silk. The bedding matched. The carpet was fluffy and sat at the foot of the bed underneath an ottoman. This room smelt of roses and vanilla. Candles were hung all around the room

"I take it back, I want this room instead," Lily said in awe.

"You wish. This one is mine, love. Anyways, go change out of your travel wear. We have a king to thank."


It had taken them a bit longer to get ready than they had originally planned. First, Lily accused Y/n of stealing one of her dresses. When she said that she didn't, it resulted in Lily storming in and stealing a dress from Y/n. This led to Y/n stealing one of Lily's necklaces until they realized that Lily had just forgotten to pack the dress that she claimed was stolen. It was rather difficult for them to get ready together. They even apologized to their ladies in waiting for the trouble. 

"Now we are late. You insolent brat. I told you to check your trunk before we left then you had to fight with me."

"Who told you to retaliate, you harlot? I just needed a dress."

"That's because you are too idiotic to pay attention to the things you own. And once we finish with the king, take my dress off."

"You don't even like this one! You said you were going to give it to me."

"That was before you decided to stop using that pea brain of yours." They would laugh about this argument later. They went back and forth hurling insults at each other until they reached the king's study. They gave each other a quick look and a nod before knocking. The knights opened the large double doors and they were invited in. The king sat in a large armchair. He didn't wear a crown or a cloak. He looked like a regular man.

"Good afternoon, Your Grace," They both curtsied low and spoke simultaneously. 

"Good afternoon Lady (L/n) and Lady Lancaster. Please rise and have a seat. How was your trip to the east?" The old man smiled warmly at the two girls before gesturing his hand at the couch in front of him.

"It was rather nice, Your Grace. The weather was fair and the company was enjoyable," Y/n answered smoothly before smiling at her best friend.

"That is good to hear. And your suite? Do you both like it?"

"Yes, it is so beautiful. I wonder how you managed to fit everything we like into the rooms. Not to mention the flowers. Did you pick the loveliest ones just for us?" She said with a teasing grin.

"Of course! I couldn't disappoint the fairest ladies in all the kingdoms." He smiled at them as they giggled.

"You flatter us too much, Your Grace. We were wondering if you would let us wander in the gardens? Liliana is especially excited. Your garden inspires hers back home," (Y/n) asked.

"Of course, and you may pick what you like. You are welcome whenever you wish."

"Thank you so much, Your Grace! It was lovely speaking with you. I'll be off. Y/n, I will see you soon. We must head into town together." Lily curtsied and left the room practically skipping.

"Now Your Grace, there were a few things I wanted to talk to you about."

"Really? I think I can guess. A young lady such as yourself. Did you want to discuss my son?"

"What? No, Your Grace. Frankly, I am not too concerned about him. I wanted to discuss business. You used to discuss business with my father often." The king had to shake the shocked look from his face. He has attended several meetings with the young women who would be attending the ball and they all wanted to speak about the same thing: his son. He let out a large bellowing laugh.

"I suppose you wouldn't be concerned. Well, if we are to talk business, there is someone we should include. Once the throne goes to my son, it will most likely be Lord Tendou that handles this. You should become acquainted." Before she could even say anything, he called a servant to bring the Lord to the study. 

"While we wait, would you like some tea?" He asked kindly.

"I would love some, Your Grace." They made small talk while sipping on tea. He found her rather charming. She had clever humour that kept him laughing and several stories that kept him entertained. Her father was the same. The king saw his long time acquaintance in the girl. Their chat was cut short when a loud presence entered the room.

"You called, old man?"

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