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"𝑺𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒎𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓?"

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"𝑺𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒎𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓?"

"𝑰𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔, 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒅!"

The king was kind enough to order escorts for the two girls in their travel to the city. After Lily had spent proficient time teasing her best friend, they immediately became giddy at thought of finally receiving their dresses. They had sent measurements and requests to the top seamstress in the kingdom but for the most part, their dresses would be surprises for them.

They decided to forgo the carriage and walking into town instead, the guards trailed behind them silently. They waved and smiled at the people in town. They stopped to speak to shopkeepers and bought small trinkets or snacks. And they stopped to speak to small children who said they looked like princesses. They were loved everywhere they went. 

They finally reached the building where the seamstress worked, Madame CeCe. They were practically skipping in their excitement.

"Hello, Madame. Do you have our dresses ready?" Lily called out.

"Hello, Liliana and Y/n. It is lovely to see you both again. Of course, I have your dresses ready. I am not the best for nothing, dearest." She winked before pulling them further into the store. Rolls of fabric hung all over the place and there were girls in various states of undress as the workers were fitting them. Very few could afford a dress from Madame CeCe. Her clientele was rather elite. Each dress could send a woman bankrupt and yet both Lily and Y/n had ordered three. 

"Alright, I have the dresses for the first two nights ready for you to try on. I would like the dresses on your third night to be a surprise. Everyone knows that is the most important one. I have requested permission from the king to come to the palace to personally give you your dresses. You will both be very pleased. It is some of my finest work."

"Madame, you have to show us! I'll just die if I don't know what it looks like!" Lily cried out.

"Patience, Liliana. Imagine how satisfying it will feel to have a dress so original, even you haven't seen it." Y/n always knew what to say to calm Lily down.

"I guess you are right... I'll settle with looking at the other two dresses for now."

"Brilliant! I will bring them out right away!" She quickly ran to the back of the shop.

The first night of the ball was tonight and the girls were more than ready to see their outfits.


The first night of the ball was tonight the boys would rather do anything else. They stood in Wakatoshi's room and were forced to go through their last-minute fitting.

"Is this necessary? I know I will look good in anything that I wear." Satori heaved a heavy sigh as he watched himself and the seamstress in the mirror. 

"You are so full of yourself," Wakatoshi said while placing his crown back on its cushion. He had to wear that tonight as well.

"I'm not full of myself if I am telling the truth." He winked at his friend and heaved a sigh of relief when the seamstress nodded at him. He was already removing the suit. 

There were a couple more hours until they needed to start getting ready and they were bored. They were banned from the training grounds and the stables. Wakatoshi wasn't allowed in the gardens and Satori wasn't allowed in the kitchen. The king had been very specific in barring his boys from the activities they could use to escape the ball. They were practically prisoners.

They sat in Wakatoshi's study playing a game of chess.

"Do you remember that girl I warned you about?"

"The one that could finally combat your smart mouth? Checkmate." Satori glared at his friend, his eyes surveying the board. 

"Yes, that one. Stay away from her. I couldn't imagine her as a queen. Her friend was rather pretty though. Checkmate."

"I have no interest in anyone. Actually, there was this one girl in the garden today. When my father called you, I decided to check on my plants. She was beautiful. And she was admiring the flowers. She was even taking notes. I didn't get a chance to talk to her, though. I turned for a single second and when I looked back, she was gone. I hope to see her tonight."

"Awww, are you in love, Toshi? That is so adorable. The flower king and his flower queen," Satori sighed dramatically before moving his knight. 

"Where is Lady (L/n)? She would shut you up." 

"I don't know. Stop talking so I can beat you." They played five games, Satori losing all of them. "Stupid Prince and his stupid strategy moves. I'm leaving. I'll be back soon, then when can start getting changed. I need a break from you." Wakatoshi smirked triumphantly before tending to his indoor plants. He took great care of them. 

Satori took a lap around the main floor of the palace. He tried to go to the kitchen to sneak some dessert but was immediately ushered away by the head cook. King's orders. Instead, he made his way to the ballroom. If there was anything good about these balls, it was the orchestra that the king hired. Musical geniuses, they were and it was always a pleasure to listen to them before the hustle of the ball. They would play music for him to dance to as their warm-up. They were always happy to have an audience.

As expected, as he neared the ballroom, the music was playing. What wasn't normal was the laughter from inside. He entered the room and to say he was shocked was an understatement. There in the large, marvellous room danced the brat that he couldn't seem to get off of his mind. She twirled gracefully, it almost appeared that she was floating. The smile on her face was wide and laughter bubbled from her stomach. The musicians looked more than happy to play for her as they were entranced by her movement. She was a fairy. He watched and waited until the song ended before he made his presence known.

"Well, Lady (L/n), you certainly are quite the dancer." She whipped around and turned to him, the surprise was evident on her face, especially as he moved closer to her. The orchestra watched with interest as they moved to a new piece, a couple's piece.

"Lord Tendou, always a pleasure." She said sarcastically with an exaggerated curtsy. He couldn't help but let his lips turn upwards in a smile. He was about to say something else when the music started. They both looked to the orchestra who had knowing looks in their eyes before they turned to each other. 

"They want us to dance," He announced.

"I didn't realize you needed to state such obvious facts." He huffed at her words. What a brat.

"Well, we can't disappoint the band, now can we, little dancer?" His hand was out for her to take. She looked at his hand then at him. 

"Don't call me that," She heaved before smacking his hand away and walking from the room. 

"So you'll dance with me later?" He called to her.

"In your dreams, my lord!" She didn't even look back. He turned to the conductor who laughed at the scene that had just occurred. 

"She will dance with me tonight. Don't worry." He said his goodbyes to the group before making his way back to Wakatoshi's room. Little Dancer. It fits her.

His Dancer (S. Tendou)Where stories live. Discover now