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"𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝒆?"

"𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒆 𝑾𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒔𝒉𝒊."

The next day, it was quiet between the two girls. Y/n knew something was wrong and she wasn't one to get angry at her friend due to a problem she was dealing with. She wouldn't push Lily, though. Somethings needed time. She had told her they would talk today but she didn't think it was best to bring it up while they broke their fast. After their meal, Lily got up and said she would be going to the gardens. Y/n only nodded and gave her a small smile. She just needed a bit of time.

Lily walked quickly from the suite. She felt heavy and weighed down. It had been something that bothered her for as long as she could remember and it had taken its toll on her self esteem. She nothing more than a pretty thing. She was superficial and without substance to many of the people of court. "Lily of the West'. It was an elegant and rather fitting title for her considering her name and her beauty but she was more than that. She was more than something to look at. In comparison, Y/n was known for her intelligent nature. Her charm and skill in what was meant to be a man's craft had gifted her the title of an heiress. Lily adored her friend and all her achievements but she wishes she was known for something more than her temporary beauty.

Boys had flocked to her from a young age. They expected things of her, things that were not expected of a lady of her class. They regarded her as a whore. The worst of them whispered sweet things in her ears and lured her into quiet spaces. 

"Lift your dress," He would demand. "Show me just how pretty you are." She would always refuse and he would always hurl insults at her.

"Then what are you good for? You won't amount to anything. You are nothing more than your beauty, Liliana. Don't forget that." 

She didn't know why she would return to him. Maybe it was the validation he gave her when his hands weren't trying to slide between her thighs. Perhaps it was how his kisses made her feel like freshwater. Then he would start pulling at her dress and she remembered what she was to him. It wasn't until she heard him whisper to his friends about Y/n and what an amazing wife she would be, that she learned to avoid him. It was a harsh lesson but it was one she needed. 

She sat on one of the stone benches in the garden and watched the flowers sway in the breeze. I cannot have the prince. He is not mine to have. Lily had resigned herself of this long ago. Why was it that now she had felt him in her arms and felt his heartbeat against her chest that she was now so upset? 


It wasn't unusual for Wakatoshi to be laying on the grass in his garden, with his arm covering his face from the sun. This was his place. The place he felt most happy. Everything was grown from his hands since the age of 10 after his mother passed. It was therapeutic for him, it was his way of coping. He had assistance from the royal gardener at first but when the old man grew too old to work, he requested that his father didn't hire someone new. It became his job and he did it beautifully. However, it was unusual to see the beautiful girl with whom he danced with, sitting on one of the benches, staring off at the lake. He was quick to stand up but approached her slowly.

"Lady Lancaster?" His voice called out and she instantly snapped to attention.

"Your Grace! I didn't know that you were here, I'm so sorry, I'll leave-"

"Wait! Don't go. It's not often that I have someone to enjoy the gardens with, please stay." He looked good. Very good. His shirt was loose and wasn't tied properly, his hair was slightly messed up, there was grass in it. The warm sun shone beautifully against his olive skin. She hesitated slightly before nodding and sitting back down.

"What brings you to the gardens today?" He asked. He sat on the grass across from her. She couldn't but think he looked so beautiful surrounded by the bright flowers. It was as if they grew towards him. 

"I love gardens. I have my own back home. There are comforting for me," She answered while looking around. 

"I feel the same way. That's why I take care of this place. It is rather relaxing."

"You take care of the gardens? As in, you are the reason they look this way?" She asked in awe.

"Yes, I enjoy doing it. I visit this place all the time."

"You are quite talented, Your majesty, mine are not nearly as beautiful."

"Perhaps you would like to walk around with me? I can show you everything." He stood and held his hand to her. She hesitated again. "There is even an indoor garden that is hidden away. It is its own room. Let me show you." She sighed and placed her hand in his to which he tucked under his arm. They walked slowly throughout the garden, making comments on the plants and animals they saw. They shared their knowledge with each other leaving the other more and more fascinated. 

They spent the day walking until they reached the indoor gardens. The roof was glass to let light in but it was cooler in there than it was outside

"These plants are more sensitive, that's why they are kept here. Like these,  Casa Blanca Lilies. My mother loved these. They only bloom at night and prefer shaded or cooler regions for their roots. That's why we keep them here."

"Most of the night-blooming flowers are kept in here because they don't blossom during the day

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"Most of the night-blooming flowers are kept in here because they don't blossom during the day." He watched her as she moved closer to the plant, touching it lightly.  

"Are these Queen of the Night flowers?" She asked. He smiled slightly. She was so knowledgeable about these things. And he loved how she listened to him talk. No one ever bothered to listen to him speak about his plants.

"Yes. This flower is actually due to bloom soon. I predict tonight or tomorrow."

"That will certainly be a sight to see," Her eyes were shining.

"Would you like to come and watch with me?" He asked her and she turned to him.

"I don't know if I should, Your Majesty."

"Wakatoshi," he said.

"Pardon me?"

"Call me Wakatoshi." She regarded him curiously, trying to ignore the intense fluttering in her stomach. He had been nothing but kind to her. It couldn't hurt.

"Then you can call me Liliana. Or Lily, if you prefer. I'll come to watch the flowers with you."

"Thank you, Liliana."

"You're welcome, Wakatoshi."

His Dancer (S. Tendou)Where stories live. Discover now