Part One: C1 Bye.

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I stepped out of the Audi r8 my dad had given me for my birthday and stepped into the May weather of Toronto. I saw the tall buileing titled, Scott Inc, and smiled to myself. After mom died, after me and Chris, this was the closest thing dad had to her. They met here. It was a cute tale, I'll tell another time.

I walked into the large building. Immediately, I was greated by my dad's assistant, Taylor.

"Ms. Scott. How are you?" She said smiling as she approached me.

I smiled and said, "Good. Yourself?"

"Great, thank you." She said back.

"Is my dad in his office?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah. As a matter of fact, I was just about to take this file to him." She said showing me the file.

I took the file from her. "Don't worry about it I'll take it." I smiled at her.

She nodded. With the file I went towards the elevator and rode it up to the top floor. The elevator opened and I stepped out. I walked down the hall, my Jimmy Cho heals clacking with every step, while being greated by many people along the way as they might have recognized me.

I turned and stopped at the elegant door that was signed as Peter Scott, CEO. I smiled and knocked on the door. I heard a brief come in and entered the office.

My dad looked up and saw me. His mouth formed a smile and he stood up. I went over and gave him and hug and kiss on the cheek. I gave him the file and then went to sit on the chair on the other side of his desk. He went back to sitting on his boss chair.

"What's happening honey?" He asked me. My dad, what can I say. He and my mom got married when he was 21 and she was 18 then, at a young age of 19 they had Chris and after a few years, me. My dad was pretty young compared to other dads with children my age. He never remarried because he loved my mom that much. The only important men in my life were my dad, my brother and my nephew.

"I got your message, what's up?" I asked him thinking back to this morning when I got a message that said he needed to talk to me.

"Oh yes. Remember when you told me you wanted to experience the working industry?" I nodded. "Well I got you a summer internship."

I groaned. "Dad, if this is another way to get me into business-"

He smiled. "Don't worry, it isn't. That's for your brother." I grinned. I was never into business. I had more of an interest in medical and physics.

"As I was saying, I called one of my good friends in Brazil. His name is Luiz and he coaches the CBF. As you know the FIFA world cup is coming up and I got you an internship with them." He smiled.

I looked at him confused. "Okay, but how does that relate to my profession?" I'm in my last year of med school and I only have 2 months to go. I was then to take on an internship with the best orthopaedic surgeon in London, England.

"You will be assisting him and the team medical advisers. Things like conducting medicals and observing practices and giving them educated opinions on how to make their skills smarter." He said.

"Oh." I said understanding. Well that doesn't sound too bad. I guess the fact that I interned for a worldwide known event and a pretty famous team would be a factor that would be in my favor. But there's one problem. I don't know anything about the CBF players or the team. Don't get me wrong. I do play, I mean I did play soccer and I did enjoy it. I just wasn't into it as much as before. "That sounds like a good idea!" I smiled.

He grinned. "Good! I was hoping you'd say that because I already told him you'd be there tomorrow evening."

I widened my eyes with shock. "Seriously dad?! Tomorrow evening?" This was too early. I hadn't even packed yet.

"Oh so I'll take that as an ok dad, I'll work for your company and-"

"Point received." I said cutting him off.

I stood up to leave. "Ok dad, I guess this is goodbye for the next 3 months or so." I walked up to him and hugged him.

He pulled away and kissed my forehead. He sighed. "Darling I don't know why you won't just let me provide for you and your financial needs. That is my duty of your father." He said smiling sadly.

"Dad, your duty to me is to love me. Which might I say you've been doing excellently. Now I must be leaving if I want to catch my flight." I said turning around and walking towards the door.

"Wait! It's okay the private jet will take you." He said.

I groaned. "But dad-"

"I'll work for you?" He said smirking.

"Fine. I'll take it." I said giving in.

"Good. Now behave yourself in Brazil and take very good care of yourself."

"You too. Don't forget to take your meds and workout every day, not just after every time you eat cake. Which reminds me don't eat to many sweets and-"

He cut me off. "Goodness! You are just like your mother."

I smiled at what he said. I waved goodbye one last time and headed downstairs. I made my way to my car and drove to the Scott mansion to start packing.

At home, I started packing everything I would need for my 2-3 month start in Brazil.

I packed mostly summer outfits as it is hotter in Brazil. I packed all my stuff in about 3 suitcases. I had one carry on which was my purse which had my essentials in their. Such as, my laptop. That was number one priority.

After packing what I needed, I managed to make it to the airport. I decided that before I boarded I would call my best friend Tara. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. After a few rings my best friend picked up.

"Hello?" The other end of the line said.

"Hey Tara!" I said happily.

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