Going off the rails part 1

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Riley was in shock Nate had clearly chosen Maddy over her she could feel tears filling up in her eyes she felt a mixture of emotions she was angry she was sad but she was mainly hurt Nate had done the one thing he said he wouldn't

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Riley was in shock Nate had clearly chosen Maddy over her she could feel tears filling up in her eyes she felt a mixture of emotions she was angry she was sad but she was mainly hurt Nate had done the one thing he said he wouldn't.

Nate locked eyes with Riley he looked at her with guilt in his eyes she immediately turned away letting her tears fall down her face she quickly wiped them away not letting anyone see her cry she continued to pour herself a drink

In that moment Riley had only one thing on her mind the one thing that she knew would make her feel better

She ran outside to find fezco

She saw him sitting on the sofa talking to Rue

"Fez!" She shouted as she approached the pair

Fez could tell Riley had been crying he looked at her concerned

"Riley what's happened?" Fez questioned

"Nothing I just need some molly like right now" Riley said as she sat next to him

Rue looked at her with sympathy she knew Riley was struggling with addiction exactly like she was

"Riley I don't think it's best if you have some right now" fez said honestly

"I've got money fez just give me some" Riley said as she took out her money and shoved it in his face

Rue and fez looked at each other both of them with worried looks on their faces

Fez turned to look at Riley

"Riley I'm not selling to you right now I don't think it's a good idea" fez said to her

"Please fez I need it" Riley begged with a look of desperation on her face

"Riley I said no I'm not giving you any" fez said sternly

Riley looked at him frustrated

"Fine then I'll go find someone who will" Riley said annoyed as she stormed of

She had managed to find someone who was selling it she took the bag of molly and walked back into the kitchen

She poured some of it in her drink and knocked it back all at once she put the bag in her pocket

Nate had watched Riley pour the molly into her drink he knew that this was going to be a disaster and he only had himself to blame he knew he was the reason Riley had turned to drugs again and he hated himself for it

About 30 minutes had passed and Riley could feel the full effects of the drugs kicking in she had this sudden urge to do what ever she wanted

Usually when Riley did drugs she would get a good feeling along with it but Getting hurt mixed with taking molly wasn't a good combination

She climbed on top of the counter in the kitchen and stood up

"Can I have everyone's attention please" she shouted everyone turned to look at her they could all tell how fucked she was

"I just want you all to know something about me" Riley said

Nate looked at her concerned while Maddy was confused

"Riley please get down" Nate begged as he walked towards the counter

She ignored him

"Everyone thinks I'm little miss perfect and the truth is I'm far from it you see when I was younger I was abused by my own father my mum committed suicide to get away from me because you see I've always been the problem I'm a fuck up I'm a drug addict and not to mention a massive slut but you know what I don't give a fuck anymore I'm gonna do what I want when I want to and nothing anyone says or dos will stop me so let's get absolutely fucked and forget about all of our issues" Riley had just exposed her past to the whole of her school and In that moment in time she didn't care

The majority of the crowd cheered at Riley's speech but the others looked at her with sympathy she had just revealed her darkest secrets they were out in the open and everyone now knew the real Riley

She jumped down from the counter and grabbed a bottle of vodka and started chugging it

Before she knew it the bottle was snatched out of her hand

It was Nate

"Riley you need to stop right now" he demanded

She ignored Nate and just looked at him emotionlessly

Maddy came rushing over to them both

She looked at Riley with sadness she felt so sorry for her best friend she knew Riley was hurting she could see the pain in her eyes

"Riley I'm so sor-

Riley cut her of

"I don't want your fucking pity" Riley spat at her viciously

Maddy looked taken back by her response she  was only trying to help

"Riley there's no need to be like that with me I'm just trying to help you" maddy reassured her

Riley rolled her eyes

"Seriously Maddy does it look like I want or need your help I don't want fuck all from you" Riley said with bitterness in her voice

Maddy was hurt by Riley's choice of words she knew that she was under the influence of drugs and she probably didn't mean it but hearing Riley say that did upset her

Nate looked at Riley angrily

"Riley don't fucking speak to her like that she's trying to be a good friend" Nate spat at her

"I'll do what I fucking want Thankyou very much now If you don't mind getting out of my way I've got drugs to take and people to fuck" Riley said as she pushed passed Nate

It was very clear to Nate that Riley had officially gone of the rails and what was killing him the most is that he had caused it she had cracked and it was all his fault

I loved writing this chapter it was a bit shorter than my other chapters so I do apologise I just thought it was a good ending on that last paragraph let me know what you all thought about this chapter I love hearing your feedback!🥰❤️

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