Eastern wolf (Canis lupus lycaon)

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The eastern wolf (Canis lupus lycaon), also known as the timber wolf, Algonquin wolf or eastern timber wolf, is a subspecies of gray wolf native to the Great Lakes region and southeastern Canada

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The eastern wolf (Canis lupus lycaon), also known as the timber wolf, Algonquin wolf or eastern timber wolf, is a subspecies of gray wolf native to the Great Lakes region and southeastern Canada.


Eastern wolves still occupied over 40% of its original range in Canada. However, it is found mainly around the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence regions of southeast Ontario and southwest Quebec in remote, forested areas.


Eastern wolves feeds mainly on large animals such as white-tailed deer, moose, elk, and caribou. Other times of the year, its diet will include smaller animals such as rodents and fish.


Eastern wolves breed in late winter. Like most other wolves, usually just the dominant male and female of the pack that breed. This helps keep up the strength of the pack. A liter of about five or six pups is born two months later in a den. They are deaf and blind, and weigh about a pound each. Growing several pounds a week, they start seeing at two weeks and hearing at three weeks. At six weeks, the pups are fed solid food regurgitated by the adults. By the end of the summer, the pups are close to full grown and blend in with the pack.



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