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"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
-Neil Armstrong

To Infinity and Beyond

To Infinity and Beyond

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NASA. SpaceX. These are just two of all the organizations bent towards achieving one goal:
Getting humankind to outer space.
"But April," you may ask, "why do we wanna go to outer space?"
I'm so glad you asked, my dear readers!
One word. Curiosity.
You heard me. We're curious! That's how our ancestors discovered so many things the past.
They tried new things. A good million years ago, some random guy hit two rocks together and
BOOM. Fiahhhhh

But that's not what I'm talking to you about today.
I'm here to talk to you about what's really out there.
Aliens? Maybe. Humans sent a message about us to a star cluster named M13 back in 1974. It'll
take years (and I mean YEARS) to reach though, so I wouldn't get too hopeful lol.
Maybe there are aliens. But I doubt they'll look like the way they do in the movies. All
green-skinned with tentacles and three fingers and holy crap that is just creepy -_-
Perhaps they look just like us. Maybe they have small differences, like another set of legs.
I believe there are aliens out there. There's gotta be. There are galaxies upon galaxies of planets,
of dying stars, of black holes and who knows what? Somewhere out there, there's gotta be
something that breathes.
Doesn't it excite you? The prospect of there being so much left to discover? Our knowledge is a
minuscule — even smaller than minuscule — percentage of what's out there. One day, we'll learn
more about our universe. Perhaps not in our own lifetime, but one day.
We're humans, after all. Can't resist a good mystery ;)

Blog by : I_Aspire_to_Inspire


Thank You
🌿Scarlett Society🌿

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