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Hello people.  I want everyone to know I'm not a professional writer so don't expect too much. This is a Hamgelica/ Marliza one-shot book because I've noticed there aren't too many of those. I hope you enjoy reading these stories because I enjoy writing them. Thanks and happy reading.

Alexander Hamilton had never been more proud or scared in his life. You may be wondering what in the world made the usually cocky, extroverted Alexander Hamilton scared. Well, he was so frightened because his three-year-old son Phillip was starting preschool. Alexander knew that one day Phillip would start school and grow up but he hadn't expected that day to come so soon. He was also very taken back with surprise when his wife didn't share his same terrified expression. That morning when it came time to get Phillip ready for the day Angelica Svhuler was nothing but calm, cool, and collected. But then again Angelica never really lost her composure, well not in front of anyone for that matter. So while Angelica was fixing her hair and Phillip was eating his cereal and watching cartoons Alexander was trying his absolute best not to cry.

"Angel are you absolutely sure that he's ready to start school?"

Angelica afforded Alexander a small smile before returning her attention to her hair.

"Alex, he's one of the smartest kids I know. I'm actually surprised we didn't enroll him earlier."

Alexander dramatically gasped in utter disbelief.

"E-earlier! Angelica, there is no way that he could've survived preschool a year ago."

Angelica just shrugged at the extreme comment.

"I'm sure that Phillip would've handled it just fine. It's not like a bunch of toddlers were going to go ahead and sacrifice him to stuffed animals and cheap plastic toys."

Of course, this witty remark had wounded Alexander's pride and as a result, he quietly grumbled to himself. If anyone but his extraordinary wife had made such a smart-ass comment Alexander surely should've reigned hell on them, but it was not a random stranger who made the comment but instead his wife. So instead of arguing he kept his opinions to himself.

Angelica turned to see a doubtful Alexander Hamilton and pulled him into her into her arms.

" Alex he's going to be fine. With an amazing mother like me and a mediocre father like you, there's nothing he can't do."

Alex smiled at her comforting words before realizing it was a backhanded compliment. Alexander lunged at her tickling her as punishment for her poor choice of words because the only thing Angelica hated more than being underestimated was being tickled. Angelica became a fit of laughter and shrieks when Phillip entered the room. The young boy looked to his father for an explanation. Alexander turned to his son before giving him the best information you could give a curious three-year-old. 

" Hurry we have to tickle mommy to break the curse."

A wide smile spread across Philips's small face as he ran to climb onto his parent's bed. So for thirty minutes, the Hamilton family took turns tickling each other making Alexander and Angelica late for work and Phillip late for his first day of preschool.

I hope you guys enjoyed this story because I had a lot of fun writing it. If you want to go ahead and vote so I have a faint idea if you guys are enjoying the stories.

449 words.

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