11 | 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑀𝑒 𝐼𝑛

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"I like the red one." Rosie was saying as she passed several choices as Jennie tried on another black gown. "Red would look good with your hair."

"I was thinking green." Jennie mumbled inside the dressing room. Yeri's satin dress for homecoming was the exact deep green shade Taehyung liked.

"There's a green one in this pile.. but I don't think you should limit yourself to one color just because of what Yeri said."

"I'm not. I just like green, that's all." She was lying. She definitely liked it only because Taehyung did.

Jennie stepped out of the dressing room wearing a moss green gown with a ruffled over skirt.

"Nice." Rosie complimented. "Better than Yeri's for sure."

"I hardly remember her dress." Jennie stepped back inside. She pouted at herself in the mirror. "Maybe I'll do red."

Slipping on a off shoulder, back-less satin red dress, Jennie had to silently agree with her friend. Red married well with the color of her hair. "This is the one." She announced, stepping out of the closet for the nth time.

Rosie gasped, her slender fingers covering her mouth. She nodded eagerly, agreeing with her.

"Wow. I've never bought a dress in under thirty minutes before." Rosie began putting the discarded options back on the dressing room rack. "It seems like that dress was made for you. Do you want to get some dinner before heading home?"

"Want Chipotle?"

Rosie crinkled up her nose. "Yeah sure, why not. Hobi's been eating that a lot and I might as well have some today in his honor." She chuckled.

Both digging their forks into their Burrito Bowl, Rosie sipped on a bit of her iced water. "Can I ask you a question?"

Jennie nodded.

"What's the actual deal between you and Tae?"

Jennie choked a bit on her food. Coughing, she sipped some of her drink. "Sorry, it was spicy." Clearing her throat she held a hand to her chest. "What do you mean?"

"If it's none of my business it's fine.. I just.. It's cause he only just asked you to his homecoming? Your parents were surprised that he was going with you to our homecoming, and sometimes you seem to forget that you have a boyfriend." Rosie looked up in the ceiling giving some thought. "Just so you know, I think Kai is a jerk. So do half the kids at our school.. and only Yeri thinks she's relevant. Everyone ignores her."

Rosie was more perceptive than Jennie had given her credit for. Licking her lips and then sucking her bottom lip between her teeth, Jennie decided to explain as neutrally as she could.

"Tae and I... I guess we're still figuring things out." Jennie was exhausted of pretending but what she said was basically true. She couldn't understand her feelings anymore. Especially the butterflies in her stomach.

Rosie seemed to accept her answer. "Well, your dress is perfect. Take pictures for me okay?"

The rest of the conversation was dedicated to Hoseok's obsession with his luxury car.

"He made me take off my heels before getting inside last week... you know Krystal isn't really up on Kai anymore. I guess she lost interest when she faced the truth about him. He was drooling all over you at the dance."

"I wouldn't say drooling. He was just drunk. I'm glad he left quietly though. Wasn't smooth how Taehyung handled things?"

Rosie was trying hard not to smile. "It was." She ended up smiling at Jennie. "Very smooth."

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