18 | 𝐻𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝐽𝑒𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑒

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Normally, she wasn't a big fan of the color yellow.

But Jennie was very pleased with her being able to share her dance team shirt with a group of incredibly talented dancers.

She would be leaving for the dance competition in just a minute.

Her dance classes entered a dance competition weeks prior before her joining, but they insisted she'd join their performance in just two weeks notice.

Dancing was more fun than she had anticipated. Hanging out with those girls was becoming something she very much looked forward to all of January.

They were all just so ready to have a good time. No one was worried about gossip, or boyfriends, or breaks, or time-outs.

Jennie decided she hadn't appreciated living in the moment until spending most of her free time with her new dance friends.

They didn't just goof off either. Every one of those girls showed up to their everyday practices ready to work.

Lisa was still having a little bit trouble working up a new choreography in her head for the finale, but she was by far the team's best dancer.

Another girl named Somi was quickly developing a promising tutting formation.

Jennie had high hopes for today's competition.

Of course at joining the girl's dance team quite late, she was sure that they would bounce back quickly from a loss, but she knew they totally deserved a win.

Adjusting her cap on her head, Jennie headed out
to her car. She was going to be early, but she was too excited to wait around anymore.

Her spirits came crashing down around her when she saw Taehyung leaving his front door at the same time she left hers. Taking a step backwards, Jennie intended to escape back inside her front door until he'd leave, but it was too late.

Taehyung's eyes found her and he altered his path to intercept hers.

What did he want? What could she say to him? It had been over a month.

He looked good. His hair was growing long—he tended to forget when it was time for a trip to the barber. At this length, his hair was starting to curl a bit at the ends.

Jennie loved his hair.

"How are you, Jen?"

"Uh." Jennie felt weird. "I'm okay."

"I've been better." Taehyung sighed. He was not allowed to sigh at her anymore. She was experiencing personal growth.

"I quit cheering."

"Yeah. I heard about that."

"From Yeri?"

"What? No. From Rosie and Hobi."

"Oh." Jennie played with the zipper of her windbreaker. "I'm on a dance team now."

"I heard that too."

Jennie was beginning to get irritated at how much he knew about her. Did Yeri seriously blab her mouth to him during their dates? At least he was smiling now.

"Jen, can we—"

Jennie quickly cut him off. "I'm sorry, Tae. I've
got to run or I'll be late for the competition. I'll see you okay?"

Like the coward that she was, Jennie booked it to her car, leaving Taehyung staring after her on the sidewalk.

Maybe she should have let him finish his sentence. Maybe he'd been about to say go back to being best friends?

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