14 | 𝑃𝑜𝑝...

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Christmas came and went.

Jennie was grateful for the week off of school. She was tired... She's been tired a whole lot. She hardly had the energy to make it to school on time.

Every year since they were twelve, Taehyung would leave town to spend the holidays with his grandparents.

Jennie thought it was foolish to miss Taehyung during a time of year she was used to him being gone. She would receive beautiful postcards and little text messages filled with pictures of his time there. Except, she wouldn't be getting any this time around.

Still, she managed to enjoy the holidays without any of Taehyung's calls or texts.

Despite the wrapped present of an aluminum tripod underneath her tree she bought for him weeks ago and before their time-out, she still enjoyed her holidays without her best friend.

Her pop loved the wii game she bought for him. It was a baseball game that they played all evening. It was a game she kept beating him at, and it was much more amusing to play than chess. "We don't have to play chess anymore, pop." Jennie teased him a little, a little more than happy to beat her old pop at a game.

"We'll see about that. These games take practice. I never used to be good at the bowling one either. Did Michael tell you I bowled a perfect game last week?"

"No. That's great Pop." Jennie smiled softly at him.

"Yeah he bowls with me on Tuesdays and it helps me get ready for league night. Wish I had that perfect score for it though. Maybe now we'll play a little ball. I can't have it getting around the home that I play worse than my granddaughter."

"Oh pop, let me win fair and square sometimes."  Jennie fake pouted, but she liked when her grandpa teased her. He didn't seem so much like an old man then.

She felt glad that her Dad had been visiting on Tuesdays and it made her feel better about not bringing Taehyung on Sundays.

She considered bring Rosie and Hobi next week. She resolved that Taehyung wasn't her only friend.

After Christmas, she and Rosie met up to go to the movies.

"I'm sorry about the blind date thing with Jungkook." Rosie apologized as they stood in the corner filling up their cups with soda.

"It's cool." Jennie shrugged as she fasted the lid on her soda. "I loved the concert.  He's really cute and even quirky, but I'm just not into dating right now."

"I figured you weren't. But I would've thought you would've liked to pick up the pace after Taehyung. Not over him, huh?" Rosie led them over to pick up their popcorn bags.

"Technically, I was never under him."  Jennie realized how that sounded, horrified, she quickly covered herself and winced. "You know what I mean."

Rosie giggled. "So... you haven't talked to Tae yet."

"Nope." Jennie sipped into her straw. "Come on, I don't want to miss the trailers."  Jennie tried to walk away, but Rosie's long legs caught up to her easily.

"You should call him."

"No, we're just taking a little break from each other.  It's not that big of a deal."

"Really?" Rosie gave her a disbelieving look. "So this zombie act you've been doing for the past month was just something you felt like doing?"

"No!" Jennie waved her off. "I've been studying a lot, and I've been busy with family." Jennie looped her arm into Rosie's, linking them. "Come on, I really do like watching the trailers. Let's go."

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