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She pulled back more.  "I wasn't expecting you, Your highness at all." She said.

 "Too bad you are stuck with me for rest of the night whether you like it or not, you are my escort to the ball. And as I look at you, I can see you are dressed for the occasion too, one last thing" He pulled something out of the box and placed it over her gloved left hand. 

"Now it is perfect" She sighed, why her? Why she had to be the one getting stuck in the situations she doesn't want to. "Your carriage is waiting Princess" He said kissing her left hand which he was holding still in a very princely way.

 She looked at her mother and she nodded. "No help from there, someone is flirting with your daughter mother and you are letting him do it, how can you?" She thought as she felt his hand on her back as the descent down the stairs. 

She pulled his hand away from her body only for him to do the same again. And he thought girls liked when he gave his attention to them certainly not this one. This one is not his average female; he always came in contact with.

She saw a limo standing in front of his house on the driveway. So that is what he meant by the carriage ride. No horses here? How ironic. And here she thought he will sweep her away on his noble steed like a true prince charming he is.

 "Your thoughts Miss Avni?" He asked as the driver backed away. "I am surprised if you mistaken a limo for a chariot driven by noble steed Your highness" Callahan didn't get offended at all on this. 

"No, when I said horse, in Modern time it means horse power Miss Avni. And if you want a carriage like Cinderella perhaps you could have mentioned that before you have put on the dress, my sister arranged in the last minute for you." Avni wasn't surprise of his arrogant attitude a bit. In fact, she knew sooner or later he will do this, show up how charming he is in reality. 

"I wasn't the one who told your sister to bestow this gift upon me. She did it out of kindness" I told him. "So, only gift that you are against off is something I have given to you? How it is even fair? What is wrong with my gift?" He asked and it made her think how can a king who is about lead a country someday can be this much clueless?

 Was he born dumb or did he hit his head hard on the flight out of his country? "the day you knew that, was the day I will marry your highness" Before he can reply to this her phone rang. She took it out of her clutch purse and begin talking to someone. 

And judging from her expression it was her boyfriend whom she do not want to accept as her boyfriend. He shook his head and waited for her to finish the call so that he can reply to her query or even ask what she meant by her earlier comment. 

But to his luck no such thing occurred and the car stopped as soon as she finished with her call. Their destination has arrived.

The valet opened the door on her side and she got out followed by the Prince. He put his hand on her waist leading her inside the hotel. The cameras flashed and clicked their pictures. 

Last thing she wanted to do was make the national news or the international one. He laid her in and inside he saw the guests have already arrived including his own mother and sister. He left her and greeted them. She did too greet them.

 "Miss Avni you look so pretty, see mother I told you see will look pretty as a princess isn't, she?" Serafina asked. "Yes dear, she is right you look very beautiful that color suits you" Avni looked down shyly and said "Thank you mam, this was a nice gift"

 "It is nothing, I never did see my daughter this happy in a long, long time. And it is all because of you Dear. Come on now, let me introduce you to some people." Callahan watched as his mother whisked his date away to meet the other people. 

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