Ellie is ill

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Disclaimer: I do not own all characters in the story; they are made by Fireman Sam creators from Mattel/Wildbrain.

It was a nice and breezy morning in Pontypandy, Sam was on his day off digging over his vegetable patch, Arnold was out in Newtown for some training, Penny was on her way back from the Mountains with Tom, and Elvis was at the Station with Station Officer Steele and Ellie. Elvis was in the kitchen when Ellie walked in with a rag, she was not like herself today. "Ah, ah, ah, Achoo." She sneezed.

"Sounds like you're coming down with a bad cold, Ellie." Said Elvis.

Ellie looked at Elvis thinking that he came back and noticed it as soon as she sneezed. "It's not too bad, Elvis."

Elvis was not too sure about what Ellie had said, he was thinking that she would go home and rest while Sam takes over with Penny. "Why don't you go home and rest, Sam could take over for you." He replied

"Sam's looking forward to his day off, so he can dig over his vegetable patch. I'll be fine."

Elvis was waiting to tell Penny about Ellie while she went to the sofa. Station Officer Steele was in his office reading his messages from HQ and Chief Fire Officer Boyce when Penny came back from the Mountain Rescue Center. "Ah, Penny. I heard from Tom that Wooly was on the Helipad again." He said.

"Yes, sir. I ended up managing to move Wooly with an apple, and Lizzie was called."

Station Officer Steele remembered when Elvis was in Wallaby 1 and Wooly was standing there. He has been moved around as Tom tried to move Wooly out of the way with the skills he learned in Australia. "Oh, I say. Well, I'll call him later. Why don't you go and find Elvis in the kitchen, I hope he hasn't burnt anything?"

"Don't worry, sir. I'll ask him about that."

Penny went up to the kitchen to find Elvis and Station Officer Steele went back to reading his messages.

Meanwhile, The Jones Family were up near the cliffs enjoying some lunch with a view of the ocean. Charlie was putting away the barbecue while Bronwyn and the twins were finishing their lunch. "Mm, thanks, Dad. That was tasty." Said James as he finished the sausages with Sarah and Bronwyn.

Charlie noticed that there were no sausages left. So, he asked Bronwyn if she was hungry for some. "Any more sausages, love?"

"Too late, they've all gone now. Be careful, though. The barbecue is still very hot. Especially in this weather." Replied Bronwyn

Sarah and James had some sausage scraps for their cat Lion. They went out to look for him around their area. "Lion, I've got some scraps for you." Called Sarah.

"Where is he?" James asked

Lion was nowhere to be seen anywhere near the path back to the café. Charlie was picking up a bucket of water so that he can put out the barbecue. "Better put the barbie out before we throw it away." Said Charlie.

While Charlie and Bronwyn were clearing up their lunch, Sarah and James found Lion on the cliff edge above the beach. "Mum, Dad. Lion's stuck on the edge of the cliff!" cried Sarah knowing that Lion might fall at any moment.

Charlie was surprised by what he had seen. He didn't want the cat to get hurt. So, he reached for his phone to call for help. "Don't worry, Sarah. I'll call Fireman Sam." Charlie called as he set down the bucket of water with the barbecue on top to call the Station.

Back at the Station, Station Officer Steele was still on the computer when the Map Screen 700 was going off. He rushed over to turn it on to find a map of the cliffs and markers where the emergency was with pictures of animal rescue required and Lion the cat's location. "Lion the cat is trapped on the edge of a cliff." The Map screen 700 said.

Station Officer Steele was confused at how Lion got there. So, he rushed to the controls and sounded the station alarm. "Lion the cat is trapped on the edge of a cliff." He said reading the map.

Ellie and Elvis slid down the pole and got into their animal rescue uniforms. They were wondering how Lion managed to become trapped on the edge of a cliff. Elvis and Ellie were about to leave when Station Officer Steele came out to the garage. "Cridlington, you will need to go up to the cliffs on Mercury." He called to Elvis as he grabbed the tablet to select the vehicles for this rescue.

Ellie wasn't sure what vehicle to use, she asked Station Officer Steele about which vehicle to use as Phoenix was with Arnold in Newtown. "Achoo, what about me, sir." She asked while she sneezed.

"You need to follow Elvis in Venus as Phoenix is in Newtown with Arnold." Replied Station Officer Steele as he selected Venus on the tablet.

He soon heard Ellie sneeze as he was planning which vehicles and equipment were needed. He had to ask if Ellie was feeling well. "Got a cold, Ellie?" he asked.

"It's just a sniffle, sir."

"Well, as long as you're up to this rescue, I think you'll be alright."

"Yes, sir."

Elvis and Ellie soon left with Mercury and Venus to the cliffs to rescue Lion. Meanwhile out near the Station, Sam heard the station alarm from his garden. He looked around for any smoke, then he turned to where Radar was. Sam was in his casual clothes since he was off duty, he had some experience working in the garden. "I wonder what the emergency is, Radar?" he asked as he looked around after he heard Mercury and Venus leave the station.

Radar just answered with a bark. Sam looked around and he knew what radar meant when he didn't know what the emergency was. So, he went back to digging up his vegetable patch.

Up near the cliffs, Lion was still near the edge while the Jones family were watching him move around. Soon, they heard the sound of the Siren from Mercury and Venus. Elvis and Ellie came by to get the cat away from the edge. "He's down there, Elvis." Sarah called as Elvis grabbed the Harness to attach to Venus.

Ellie went over to see where exactly Lion was and soon found him near the edge where it was starting to crumble. "Ok, don't worry. We'll soon have him back up here." She said while moving back with Sarah.

"Ellie, I'm going down to get him. Winch me up when I got him." Elvis called as he attached a harness to be lowered in with Venus.

Ellie did not like what Elvis planned to do. She went over to Venus and attached herself to the harness.

"No, Elvis. I'll get him while you lower me down. I need you to keep them back from the edge."

Elvis wasn't sure about her plan, but he knew that he wasn't fully trained on animal rescues over the edge of a cliff and Ellie was trained in Newtown on Animal rescues. So, he nodded in agreement, and Ellie was soon lowered to retrieve Lion.

"Don't worry, Lion. I've got you." She said soothing the poor cat after he had fallen to the edge.

"Ah, ah, achoo." Ellie sneezed right as Lion jumped in her arms.

"Sorry, Lion."

"Ok, Elvis. Bring me up." She called to Elvis looking up to where he can see her.

"Roger that, Ellie." He replied.

Ellie was soon winched up with Lion in her arms, Sarah and James cheered as Lion was safe with them again. "Thanks, Ellie." Said Sarah as Ellie passed Lion to her.

"No problem." Replied Ellie tiredly.

Bronwyn noticed that Ellie looked pale and Elvis was looking concerned. So, she went over to see if she was ok. "You sound dreadful, Ellie. Shouldn't you be at work?" she asked.

Ellie looked at Bronwyn, she knew that Sam was on his day off and she was needed at the station. So, she told Bronwyn what was going on. "It's Sam's day off. So, I'm needed at the Station. Besides, it's just a sniffle, anyway." She said to Bronwyn as she put away the equipment in Venus.

Soon, she turned to Elvis as she finished storing the equipment and climbed aboard. "Come on, Elvis. Let's get back to the Station."

Ellie and Elvis soon left for the Station. Ellie was thinking about what Bronwyn had said to her. Soon, she realized that she couldn't continue with her duties any longer. She needed to tell Station Officer Steele that she was going home for the day.

Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick dayWhere stories live. Discover now