1 - alleyway

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It was noisy as students poured into the classroom. 

Yuji was sitting on top of his desk, the second desk at the last row in the back. 

"Hey so what did you do last night?" asked his friend Tanaka, who was sitting right in front of him.

"Oh you know, I visited my grandpa. He's getting better, slowly. Still pretty cranky whenever I visit him though." Yuji grinned. 

The classroom door slid open and Megumi walked in, both his hands tucked in the pockets of his pants. He took his seat, right beside Yuji, the last desk near the window. 

Yuji couldn't help but notice him. Long eyelashes, blue eyes, spiky and unruly jet black hair contrasting his pale skin that was almost as white as snow. He was incredibly beautiful, almost ethereal looking. 

Megumi rested his chin on the palm of his hand and looked out the window with a disinterested look on his face.  

Yuji always sneaked a few glances at Megumi everyday. He couldn't help it, Megumi was just that beautiful. He always wondered if maybe he was secretly an actor or a model.

The bell rung. Class started. 

The morning lecture went on as usual, with Yuji vaguely tuning into what the teacher was saying and scribbling notes into his notebook. 

He took a glance to his right and there Megumi was, his head on his desk, face turned towards Yuji, fast asleep. 

Yuji again, couldn't help notice how beautiful he looked sleeping, with the sunlight directly beaming on his face and highlighting his features. He looked peaceful, and also....cute, Yuji subconsciously thought to himself.

But Megumi would probably get in trouble if he was caught sleeping in class so Yuji tried nudging him awake. "Oi, Fushiguro" he nudged at him with his elbow.

Megumi's eyes fluttered open. He peered up at Yuji. "What is it-"

Just then the bell rung, signaling the end of first period.

"Oh well, class just ended. Try not to fall asleep next time." Yuji said as he grabbed his bag and rushed into the hallway before Megumi could respond. 

The day continued on like that, with Megumi falling asleep in all of their classes. Yuji was about to try to wake him up again, when the bell rung, signaling that school was out. Students started leaving.

"Bye Yuji, see you tomorrow!" Tanaka waved.

"Yeah, see you!" Yuji responded with a wave and a huge grin back. 

Megumi looked disoriented, struggling to get up from his nap. He wiped the tiredness away from his eyes and let out a huge yawn. 

"Hey are you okay? Sleeping in class like that" Yuji asked, concerned. "Here if you want you can take a picture of my notes-"

"I'm fine. Just don't wake me up during class anymore." He said, coldly. Megumi grabbed his bag and walked out the door. 

Yuji scratched his head. I was only trying to help, he thought. Oh well, I guess. Yuji grabbed his bag and left the classroom as well.


"Ahaha! I'm stuffed!" Yuji proclaimed, placing his chopsticks down. "Thank you for the meal!"

"No problem, come again!" the ramen shop owner thanked him gleefully. Yuji slid the door open and left the shop.

It was around 9:30 pm (21:30). The sky was already pretty dark. Shop signs and streetlights lit up. Yuji strolled his way down the street, happily and softly humming to himself from the wonderful meal he just ate. 

"Hmmm....hmmm....hmmm~" he hummed to himself, taking in the night city air and the cool breeze. But as he was about to pass this one particular alleyway, he abruptly came to a stop. 

A boy was sprawled out on the ground, looked to be passed out. He noticed he was wearing their school's uniform. 

Yuji rushed to help him. "Hey! Are you okay?" He crouched down and tried turning the boy over, frantically trying to wake him up. Yuji's eyes widened in shock.

It was Megumi Fushiguro. 

His eyes opened. Megumi coughed as he struggled to wake up. "Yuji? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"More like what are you doing here? Why are you passed out on the ground in an alleyway?" 

"Passed out?" Megumi sat up, cross-legged. "I was just sleeping, you don't have to be so concerned." He placed his hands in his lap, and looked down.

"Huh?? You were sleeping in an alleyway in a street! What do you mean I don't have to be concerned?" Yuji asked, very confused.

"I was just sleeping, it's fine. Something like this is normal for me. You don't have to get all worried." He leaned his back against the wall.

"Normal? It's normal for you to sleep in alleyways?" Yuji raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah since I have nowhere else to go."

Yuji looked at him. Megumi was still looking down, fiddling with his hands in his lap.

"Then" Yuji's eyes darted around. "Maybe...." he scratched his head. "You can stay at my place?" he offered. 

"No, it's fine."

"No I insist!"


"Why not? It's not like you have any other options? Come on just stay at my place. I have enough room anyways." Yuji persisted. 

Megumi turned his head away from him. "I don't want to owe you anything."

Yuji shaked his head. "I don't want anything in return. It just wouldn't sit right with me if I left you alone, knowing you would be sleeping here in an alleyway."

Megumi let out a sigh. "Alright, I guess." He probably wouldn't give up until I relented so I might as well just give in, he thought. 

Megumi picked up his bag and stood up.

"So where do you live?"

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