Chapter 8

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Sam held out the bag excitedly. "You have to try these!"

Mercedes pushed the bag out of her face. "Okay! Calm down, Sammy!"

"But these are my favorites! Nothing is better than a Cool Ranch Dorito!"

She took the blue bag from him. "Okay. We'll try them."

He beamed.

Artie wheeled into the chip aisle. "I got a bunch of different pie."

Brittany handed him bags of chips. "Will they go good with these?"

"We're teenagers. All food goes well with other food." He lifted his shoulders.

"I think this is bad." Tina commented as she walked into the aisle.

Marcy, who was with her, couldn't care less. "I'm hungry now."

"Marcy, what are you doing?" Mercedes asked exasperatedly.

"Minding my business."

Artie burst out laughing.

"Are you eating food before we've paid for it?!" Mercedes couldn't set her hands on her hips but she could glare and did so.

"Yup!" Marcy popped a pork rind into her mouth.

Mike, coming around the corner, laughed. "What are you eating?"

"BBQ pork rind." She handed him one.

He ate it. "Wow. Better than the normal ones."

"Mikey!" Mercedes tapped her foot.

Mike stuck his bottom lip out.

"We've been in this store two minutes and we're already breaking rules! I'm telling Laura!"

"Man, you're a snitch!" Mal bit off as he, Ellen and the twins came from the other side of the aisle.

"I am not!"

"Yeah, you are." Karou came into view with Puck, Raven, Blaine and Kurt.

Mercedes let out a growl of frustration. "Shut up! I'm not!"

"Of course not, Mercy." Mike assured her.

"Enabler." Marcy coughed.

"What was that?"

"I said you're an enabler." She stated clearly.

Puck's shoulders moved as he laughed silently.

Artie shook his head. "Little sister backtalk."

"Don't get a spanking." Mike warned.

Marcy's bottom lip poked out.

"Leave her alone, asshole." Mal defended her.

"Don't call me an asshole! You're an asshole!" Mike glared at him.

Mercedes hit both. "Stop cursing in front of these babies!"

"Sorry, Mercy." Both muttered.

Quinn, Rachel, Finn and Beth walked over with Santana and Anna. "We could hear you three aisles over."

"Hole!" Beth announced.


Mike grimaced. "Sorry, Luce."

"You get to explain why that's a no-no word."

Mike dropped to his knees in front of Beth. "That's a mean word that we shouldn't say to people we love."

"I don't love you." Mal sniped.

Marcy vibrated from the effort to keep her giggles small.

Mike breathed deeply and let it go. "Tio Mal and I were wrong to say that word. Even if he is a pain in my-"

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