Chapter 12

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Mercedes kissed Raven's cheek repeatedly. The baby giggled and giggled.

Puck tickled under her chin. She ducked her head and laughed.

Anna took her away from her mother and hugged her tightly. "Such a sweet baby!"

Dr. Sarah came inside. "Hello."

"Hello." The teenagers chirped.

"My name is Dr. Sarah Chalke but you can call me Dr. Sarah. Who do we have here?"

"I'm Mercy, this is Anna and Puck. And this little ray of sunshine is Rae." Mercedes introduced them.

"Well hello, Rae." Dr. Sarah shook the infant's hand. Raven beamed at her. "Can you tell me more about Rae? Help me get to know her?"

So between the three, they told Dr. Sarah all about Raven. The blonde doctor checked her out and performed the normal tests on her before doing what every parent and child dreaded, giving a shot.

Puck held her as Dr. Sarah prepped then administered the shot. Raven screamed and cried. Puck felt guilty.

Dr. Sarah gave her a Spongebob bandage and gave Puck a lollipop for his troubles. "That's all for today. You can make another appointment for in three months at the front desk."

"Thank you." Mercedes took the still sniffling Raven from Puck and stood up.

Puck and Anna said their goodbyes and followed Mercedes out. She made the appointment then left the office.

Puck tried to get Raven's attention in the elevator but the baby wasn't having it. "I'm sorry, Lil Mama."

Raven laid her cheek on her mother's shoulder and glared at him.

He pinched her cheek. "Please forgive me. You had to get it."

She turned her head.

Puck stuck his lip out.

"It's okay, Noah." Mercedes walked out of the lift. "She'll get over it."

"Eventually." Anna muttered.

Mercedes' lips twitched. "She won't even remember it by tonight."

Puck didn't care. He didn't like his children angry with him. Even Beth became upset with him when she had to have shots.

They left the building and merged with the traffic on the sidewalk. They went to the subway and got on to ride back to TriBeCa. After, they decided to get pizza.

So they went to a hole in the wall pizza joint. The entire time, Puck tried his best to get Raven to forgive him but she held a grudge like an adult.

It wasn't until nightfall when they were putting the little girl to bed that she reached for him. He was ecstatic and held her tightly. She hugged him and after popping her pacifier in her mouth, she laid on his chest and promptly fell asleep.

Puck went to bed with a smile on his face.


Quinn kept an eye on Beth as she posed and smiled for the camera. The little girl was sitting on a blanket, out of the way but in direct eyeline. Quinn turned her back for a split second to twirl but immediately turned again so she could see Beth.

Beth was still there. She was playing Tea Party with the tea set Russell had bought her (and Mickey).

Quinn wasn't paying attention to the director, who yelled cut. She came alive when the man got in her line of sight. "Huh?"

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