Chapter 15

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Brittany stood in front of the mirror and eyed herself from every angle and came to one conclusion; she was getting fat. She began wailing loudly.

The door to the closet opened and Santana came inside. "Whoa! Britt, what's wrong?!"

"I'm fat!" Brittany sobbed.

"You are not." Santana went to her naked girlfriend and hugged her from behind.

"Look at my stomach!" Brittany poked it.

"You're pregnant! It's supposed to get bigger!"

"How much bigger?" The blonde pouted.

"We might get as big as Q."

Brittany leaned forward but Santana kept her back. "Will AJ appreciate this?"

"Probably not."

Brittany smiled. "Thank you, San."

"You're welcome, Britts. Love you."

"Love you, too."


Anna wrote down exactly what her boss told her before moving on to the next item on her to do list. It was a lot of work but she honestly loved this job. She was going to have to do something special for Marcy to thank her for getting her this opportunity.

"Anna?" Her boss called out.

"Yes?!" Anna stood up from her desk.

"Remind me to call Mr. Green for the Hembsburg piece. We need to authenticate it before the showing next week."

"Yes, ma'am!" Anna wrote it down. Yeah, it was a lot of work but it was the best job in the world.


Blaine held the bag steady. "Jab, jab, uppercut. Jab, jab, uppercut. Come on! Three more sets! Jab, jab, uppercut. Jab, jab, uppercut. Jab, jab, uppercut. And now you can rest, Katie!"

The little girl wiped sweat from her brow with her arm and went to get a drink of water.

"Next!" Blaine called out.

A little Hispanic boy stepped up. He hit his fists together before doing the exercise Blaine had the group of kids working on.

"That's right!" Blaine nodded. "Jab, jab, uppercut. Jab, jab, uppercut."


Quinn squealed excitedly as she lifted out her gift from the box. She and Mercedes usually opened half their gifts the day of their birthdays and half on the day they shared in between but it was officially her 19th birthday and she could finally open the rest of her presents.

"Who got you that?" Mike asked.

Quinn looked at the tag. "Joey!"

He chuckled. "I'll write it down."

"Open this one, Lucy!" Mercedes liked the way this present was wrapped.

"Who's it from?"


"Ooh!" Quinn took the gift from her twin and opened it. "It's a necklace!"

Indeed it was. A large peridot in a silver setting on a silver chain.

She put it around her neck. "Look, Beth. Isn't it pretty?"

Beth reached out to touch it. "Pretty."

Raven made moves as if she were going to roll forward so Mercedes put her on her belly. "Crawl, Rae! Do it again for Mama!"

Raven did an odd swimming motion but didn't otherwise move.

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