Chapter 18

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Mercedes peeked into the room. "Hi, Lucy!"

"Hi, Mercy." Quinn rolled over.

Mercedes went to climb in the bed and laid her head right next to her twin's. "I just came from giving Mally and Mickey their lesson."

Quinn yawned. "Where's Beth?"

"With Noah. Apparently she woke up from her nap but you were still asleep so she went to find him."

"Good. I didn't expect her to leave though."

"Hurt your feelings?"

Quinn smiled and reclosed her eyes. "How were the twins?"

"They're picking it up but they're more into Duchess. Mickey especially kept stopping to ask me questions about pregnant dogs."

"Duchess is a beautiful dog. Marce says her owner is awful."

"Poor puppy." Mercedes pouted.

"Did you see Marcy?"

"For a bit." Mercedes suddenly grabbed Quinn and shook her. "Ooh! Guess what!"

Quinn was rattled. "What?!"

"You know the girl Karou said Marcy was bringing in for her?"

"I have to. It's all she talks about besides Arnold. Although he's very good-looking so she's not wrong."

"Lucy!" Mercedes stressed. "She's here! I just met her! Marcy introduced us and she's just the loveliest thing!"


"The important part was Karou got tongue-tied around her. She couldn't say anything beyond "hi" and Yuria was just as stuck. They shook hands for a full minute!"

"No way!" Quinn turned on her side, facing Mercedes.

Mercedes nodded empathetically. "Yes! They just stood there until Marcy brought in Arnold. All three were über cute! They blushed and stammered until Rou realized who she was and started flirting with both. He relaxed and flirted back but Yuria was still a bit shy. Until Marcy started flirting with her and Karou got mad.

Then everybody was friends!"

"I'm so sorry I missed that!" Quinn sulked.

"I had to come home and tell you."

"Thank you, Twin."

"You're welcome, Twin."

"Wanna call Mikey and have him paint our toes?"

Mercedes reached for her phone. "I'll dial."


Quinn looked down at her phone. She read the text twice before she smiled. "Hey, Sissy, guess what?"

Mercedes looked over from making iced tea. "What?"

"Marcy wants us to go school supply shopping."



"That'll be fun for you guys. I need to go one day soon, too-"

"No, Sissy. She wants you to come, too."

Mercedes stopped stirring. "What? Are you serious?"

"Yes. She wants all the girls to go but she specifically said you."

Mercedes sniffled. "Do you think she's not mad anymore?"

Quinn couldn't answer that. "Hopefully?"

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