Chapter 23

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"Mercy? Mercy?! Mercy!" Quinn called out.

Mercedes stopped whisking. "What, Lucy?"

"You're acting like a maniac. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Quinn gave her a look.

Mercedes blew out a breath. "Okay, I'm nervous. I just want tomorrow to go well."

"What are you expecting?"

"Honestly? For her not to come. I know I said I'd host Halloween this year since Maddie, Marc and our parents are working and Laura is still setting up her firm and can't get away but I'm starting to think I should have just let Marcy have the holiday and I just not come."

"Mercy, don't think that! Mal said she said she was coming and when I talked to her yesterday, she seemed okay."

"Okay? Just okay?"

"Well yeah. Her back was hurting her. She was lying on the couch in sweats."

"So she's not still mad about the clown thing?"

"Oh no, she's livid. I almost feel bad for the guys."

"They're so lucky that man didn't press charges! It was well within his right, putting his life in danger like that!" Mercedes was still mad at Puck and hadn't said two words to him beyond Raven's wellbeing in six days.

"Oh believe me; Finn is terrified. He keeps worrying that the guy is going to change his mind and he'll go to prison." And Quinn did nothing to ease those fears.

Mercedes took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm sick of thinking about it. I just want to have fun and relax. We'll be all together for the first time in a while and we'll get to see sweet Jude again!"

"You see him at work all the time."

"Don't laugh at me! Work is work! We're working!"

"Okay!" Quinn giggled.

Mercedes pushed her a bit. "Hush up and help me with these treats."


Brittany stared at her stomach and just began sobbing.

Artie wheeled in. "Britt, what's wrong?!"

She turned to eye him darkly.

"Oh no..." He could see the mood-swing coming.

"I'm mad at you! You did this to me! I'm fat and I- can't- fit- my- costume!"

He rolled closer (against his better judgement to race out) and pulled her into his lap. "Babygirl, you are not fat. You're swollen with our child. I love every curve, every stretch mark-"

"I have stretch marks!" She remembered at that moment.

"And they're beautiful." He kissed her cheek and spread his right hand over her large belly.

"Will I be like this forever?"

Dear heavens, I hope not... "This?"

"This big." She clarified with a pout.

"Even if you got bigger and stayed like that for the rest of your life, you will still be one of the two sexiest women in the history of the world."

She eyed him seriously. "I'm still mad at you for Marcy."

"I know." Guilt pricked him.

She hugged him. "But thank you for making me feel better."

Warmth spread through his chest.

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