Chapter 20

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"Go play." Mal instructed.

Mally tore off in search of new adventures.

Mal went to sit on a bench.

"How often do you do this?" Artie asked.

"I try for once a week. It's usually me trying to find things we can do together but I thought he just needed time away from Mickey today." Mal sat back and relaxed.

"What's Boo Thang doing with Mickey then?"

"Probably a tea party. Mick loves those. Plus she gets to make her mommy be polite and ladylike. Even she knows her mama is wild as all outdoors."

The guys snickered.

"Speaking of Mini Mama being wild, how's the twins birthday party coming along?" Puck asked.

Mal sighed deeply. "She's being a total girl. She changes her mind every five minutes! I doubt they're even going to remember this birthday and she's trying to top every idea she gets. Now she's onto taking a group of kids to a farm to ride horses and have a picnic."

"Actually that doesn't sound too bad." Sam admitted.

"She'll change her mind." Mal assured him.

"Leave my sister alone!" Mike smacked his shoulder. "She wants her kids to have a great birthday!"

"They're turning two! I don't remember my second birthday! Do you?!"

"Yes! You weren't there!"

"Yes, I was, you jerk!"

"You were just born! You don't count!"

Mal bared his teeth but Finn cut in. "What are you doing for your birthday?"

"I don't know." Mal glared once more at his grinning brother before facing the tall ex-quarterback. "I'm hoping we can go out."

"All of us?" Blaine asked.

"That'd be cool but I meant the three of us. We haven't spent much time just the three of us since school started."

"You have a nanny, right?" Arnold asked. "Can't you go out any time?"

"We don't want Marionette raising our kids. Besides we're so busy that it feels like she is anyway."

"Tell the truth." Artie smirked. "If you really wanted to date, you'd put those kids in the bed and be out all night. Something's stopping you from doing it."

"Someone." Jude cleared his throat delicately.

"Who?" Arnold was confused.

Mal flushed. "Marcy isn't one for being seen. She's a homebody if there's people around. She likes nature and being outside but only if no one's around. Date nights are out of the question."

"I actually agree with you there." Mike shook his head. "I'd be sad if T didn't want to be seen with me."

"It's not me!" Mal shouted.

Puck laughed. "You are a terrible brother."

Mike grinned. "I'm a great brother. Ask Mercy."

"Please!" Puck scoffed. "She loves everyone, including her big brother, Mikey."

Mike made a face. "So?!"

Finn chuckled. "Except for spiders, Quinn doesn't think you can do wrong."

"I can't. I'm perfect."

Artie fell out laughing. "That's my boy!"

Blaine shook his head with a rueful smile. "Mike."

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