Chapter 28

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"Hey, Sis." Marcy walked into the kitchen. "You're making cookies!"

"Yeah!" Mercedes cheered. "You made other things so I'm making other things!"

"You copy cat." Marcy sat at the island. "So I'm guessing Puckerman told you about last night?"

"He woke us up to tell us." She smiled. "Thank you for forgiving him."

"Eh!" Marcy set her chin in her hand and her elbow on the island top. "What I'm going to do to him won't feel very forgiving."

"Do you already know what you're going to do to him?"


"What is it?"


"I won't tell!" Mercedes stamped a foot.

"Yes, you will. It's a reason why we don't tell you things."

"That's hurtful! I can keep secrets!"

"No, you can't. But that's okay. You get it from Laura."

"I do not! I can so!"

Marcy just shrugged. "Sam, Finn and I found a horn player."

"You're really going to change the subject on me?"

"I'm pleased with this turn of events. He's a trumpet player and is in his thirties with kids. He's a real cool guy and really chill. I like him a lot."

"Do Sam and Finn?"

"They say they do. So along with the sax player I found, we only need a bassist."

"What about a pianist?"

"That's what I'm going to do. I can handle being behind a piano."

"Oh really? Like ‪Freddie Mercury‬? I see you."

"And I see these treats. Can I have a cookie?"

"Sure." Mercedes finished taking the cookies off the rack and packing them up. "I'm going to send these all over."

Marcy picked up a raspberry thumbprint cookie and bit into it. It tasted a bit different but very delicious. "Who all are you giving them to? Is it for Christmas?"

"I don't know." Mercedes started cleaning the rack so she could put the cookies coming out of the oven onto it. "I was thinking yes but that's so cheap."

"No." Marcy's breath came out choppy and short. She blinked but she felt like she had vertigo. "Merce?" She wheezed.

So quietly Mercedes didn't hear her. Mercedes pulled the fresh cookies from the oven and set them on the island before looking at her sister and gasping. "Marcy?!"

Marcy was fighting for air and held the counter on a death grip to keep from sliding to the floor. Too bad she was getting weaker and weaker as the shock set in. She ended up slipping to the floor.

Mercedes ran around the island and dropped to her knees. Not only could Marcy not breathe but she had red patches all over her skin, which had gone quite pale. "Marcy?! Marcy, what's wrong?!"

Marcy gasped out and swung her arm, trying to tell Mercedes to get her Epi-pen.

Mercedes didn't get it at all. Marcy was just hitting her leg. "What are you doing?! How can I help you?!"

Marcy kept hitting her thigh until that became too much for her and she slipped into unconsciousness.

Mercedes freaked out and reached for her phone. She dialed 911 immediately. "Hello?! My sister is sick, I think!"

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