Chapter 36

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Dr. Cook inspected Mal. "We're going to have to talk sooner or later."

Mal looked down and picked at his short nails. "I- I want to."

"Then proceed at any time."

Mal said nothing.

"Mal." The man sighed and took off his glasses.

"It's about the babies!" Mal burst out with.

"Your children? What about them? They're two, correct? It may be the Terrible Twos."

"Not the twins." Mal stressed. "The babies Marcy should have had."

"Ah! The miscarriages. I was wondering when you'd bring that up." Dr. Cook replaced his glasses and switched his crossed legs. "How do you feel about it?"

"Are you kidding me?! I feel bad!"

"I can only imagine. Besides bad, how do you feel? Be specific."

Mal hunched a shoulder with a frown. "I don't know. I'm angry. I'm confused. I'm hurt."

"Okay, okay, let's address anger. Why do you feel angry?"

"Because." Mal glared at his hands. "Why'd my babies have to die? Why didn't she tell me? How did this even happen?"

"Sometimes women have miscarriages. It happens a lot to first time carriers."

"Why didn't she just tell me that?"

"Does she know?"

"Haven't you told her?"

"No, Mal. I'm not discussing her private meetings with you. All I can say is that you two need to sit down and talk about what happened to you."

"I tried! She won't talk to me! She said she won't talk to me!"

Dr. Cook's brows lifted. "Oh!"

"Why won't she talk to me?" Mal looked up. "Doesn't she trust me?"

Dr. Cook took a deep breath. "Mal, she might not know how to talk about it. I've known Marcy a short year but even I know getting anything out of her is like squeezing water from a rock. It may not be a matter of trust."

Mal sighed lightly. "I love her. I just want to take care of her and our family. I love her."

"I know you do, Mal. For the record, I think she loves you, too. Now let's get back to our discussion. You're confused?"


Mercedes opened the door. "Thank you, Frank!"

"You're welcome, Ms. Taylor-Jones." Frank the Doorman held out a large brown box.

"Can you set it inside? Your shoes please."

He toed off his shoes before coming inside. "Where do you want it?"

Mercedes thought about it. "The living room please."

Frank had been up there a few times for different things so he knew the general layout. He went to the living room and set the box on the coffee table. "Do you need anything else, Ms. Taylor-Jones?"

"No, I thank you very much though." She walked him out before going to the den for her cell phone. She texted her siblings and lovers to come over as soon as they could.

Puck came up from the pool. "Hey, Mama. What's up?"

"I've got a surprise!" She jumped a little without moving her feet.

"What is it?" He prepared himself for the worst.

"I can't tell you until everyone's here."


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