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Hey guys. It's Brooke and Paco. First we wanted to say thank you for reading the first book, thank you for commenting on it and voting it and everything! We have great news! We are starting a contest!

The contest is for our second book ‘The Elemental Four: Aequinoctium [Book Two] Check out the side for 'The Elemental Four: Aequinoctium [Booke Two] Sneak Peek Trailer >>>>>

What you have to do: Submit a trailer, picture, cover, character video, or anything you can think of! Be creative. It just has to do with ‘The Elemental Four: Aequinoctium [Book Two]’

How you submit it: Post it in a comment on this chapter, on our wall, or through private message. We will only take them through those three options.

Dates: Contest starts 12/17/2012 and will go until 12/31/2012. The winner will be posted with the new chapter for the book on 01/07/2013

Prizes: First Prize – Three fans, a vote on your whole story, dedication, shout out, and a character being named after you in ‘The Elemental Four: Aequinoctium [Book Two]’

Second Prize – Two fans, a vote on a chapter, shout out and dedication.

Third Place – A fan, a vote on a chapter, and a dedication

Here is the summary for The Elemental Four: Aequinoctium [Book Two], to help you guys out: One down. Two to go. It should be easier right? But no. Marcus is losing, and he's as mad as he can be. But Marcus isn't even their biggest worry. While on their journey they meet a new friend. But all she brings is chaos and drama. And there's also Aequinoctium, which is coming up sooner than they can imagine. Lines will be crossed, questions will be answered, and traitors will be punished. What will happen to Ace? Will they be able to survive Aequinoctium? Or will this be the end of one elemental’s journey

So what are you waiting for? Start submitting your fan arts!

But we also have more news. Due to complications we’ll be taking down Isabella’s Backstory. But don’t worry. After the sequel we will be putting it back up!

And we are also releasing the date we’ll be posting ‘The Elemental Four: Aequinoctium [Book Two]’ If you haven’t already guessed we will be posting the sequel stating 01/07/2013


[1] connwhit -

[2] crazyperson2213 -

[3] DesireeMcGill -

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