The Beginning

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Y/n's POV
Y/n: Fucking hell.

I looked down over the old town, Prescott I think, and saw a humongous herd of walkers.

Y/n: There's got to be at least 300 of them.

I walked off the balcony and back into the decently sized house overlooking Prescott.

I walked into the bathroom to clean myself up. I looked in the mirror and came to the conclusion. I look like shit. My face was covered in dirt and had a big enough scar running down my right cheek. I got the scar from a previous altercation with a group of assholes calling themselves "the saviours".

I then looked on down at my outfit. I was wearing a black hoodie which was a bit torn at the left shoulder, and under that I had on a jersey from some county team from Ireland, called Tyrone. I also had on a pair of dark blue ripped jeans, and for shoes I had hiking boots, but they've been getting quite worn out.

Around my waist I had my gun holster which held my colt python. In my back pocket of my jeans, I hid my switch blade and also my favourite weapon of choice, my extendable bowstaff, which I was given by my uncle John on my 8th birthday, much to my parents anger. The final weapons I had on me were my AR 15, and my fire man's axe, both strapped around my back.

I poured water onto my hand and started rubbling the dirt off of my face. I sighed.

Y/n: Who would have thought that I would be 13 and carrying this much fire power.

After I was done cleaning myself, I headed down to the kitchen to find some food. I opened a few cupboards and on the 4th or 5th one I found a can of something, but I wasn't sure what exactly. I spun the can around to find an expiry date, and found it was still in date.

Y/n: My lucky day

I started digging into the can of food. It may not have been nice, but it was edible, and that's all I cared about.

Once I was finished my "dinner", I went back out to the balcony to think of a plan. As I walked over to the balcony, i caught a glimpse of something that caught my eye. It was a photo of a man and a woman, both looked around their mid 20s, standing in front of a plane, and that's then I remembered that the old Prescott airstrip had been turned into a sort of town once the dead started walking.

I then decided on my course of action. I would head down to the old highway, not to far from the airstrip, and wait for someone with some sort of car to come by, make them stop, and take their car, and if I had kill them then so be it. So I double checked I had everything I needed with me, and headed away from the house and to the highway.

I made it to the highway and used my axe to chop a tree just enough so that one good swing would make her fall.

Y/n: That should do it

I said as I stood in the shadows behind the tree, so I could see a car coming, but the driver wouldn't be able to see me.

I was waiting for what felt like an hour when a truck finally came down the highway.

Y/n: This is perfect

I waited a wee bit more so I could get the best time to cut the tree down. I cut the tree down and gave the driver just enough time to stop, but the driver must have been an idiot because he didn't realise there was a tree falling in front of him until it was too late, and he drove the truck into a ditch.

Y/n: Fuck sake

I whispered to myself as I started making my way to the truck to inspect the damage, but i quickly hid as i saw a man with what looked like a brand mark on his neck, climb out of the ditch and begin to run.

??: Hey!

I heard someone shout. This man had zip ties around his wrist, and was aiming a pistol at who I can only assume was his kidnapper. The man holding the gun then lowered it and let the man escape.

This gave me a chance to sneak up on the man and place the barrel of my gun to his the back of head.

I really hope you enjoyed the 1st chapter of this fan fic, sorry that there wasn't any action as this was more of a setup chapter.
I also want to leave most of Y/n's physical appearance out so it is easier for u to picture yourself in his body.
This is my first ever story so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this.
Please comment what u think.

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