Chapter 1- Back Home

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Okay soooo... summers been a drag. Yeah, I went on holiday, I got a tan, but I have just been with my mom and cousins. It's so dead. I miss my friends so much. I've had a few letters from them, but I miss their company. I pack my bag with a smile slapped on my face. I've actually gotten over Malfoy... I think. Well, I've had so much time to really think about the pros and the cons and I even wrote them down.

Pros and Cons about Malfoy:


- He cut his own hand and blamed it on me.

- He lied to me for the whole year and made me feel like I was being stereotypical.

- We always have arguments.

- We never have a good time together.

- If we do have a good time together, something always goes bad like an argument happens or I break my fucking arm.

- He's a Slytherin so we would have to sneak around and hide him from everyone.

- He tried to kill my best friend.

- My mates hate him.

- He would never show me off and I could never show him off.

- We'd never go further then just being a secret relationship because my mom hates Slytherin's and he wouldn't even want his parents to know about me.


- He's very attractive.

- Might be fun to sneak around.

- Sometimes he's fit when we argue but also annoying as fuck.

- We have a lot of sexual tension when we're together.

- I know that he secretly has feelings for me as he's said my first name and I've said his.

Yeah that's all I wrote because I couldn't be arsed anymore. My mom drops me off at the train station and I wave her goodbye as I head to the platform. When no one's looking, I run through the wall of platform nine and three quarters and make my way on the other side. I take a deep inhale of the beautiful smell of creosote as I pull my suitcase onto the train. It's warm on the train and almost homely. I take a while to find everyone, but I finally see them in two separate carriages next to each other. Everyone's here. I make eye contact with Ron and excitement takes over his face, as he points me out to everyone. They all look at me with grins spread on their faces. I give everyone a long hug and I feel so loved and wanted. I've been waiting for this feeling for a while. The hug between Harry and I is meaningful. If it weren't for me, he would have been... dead. I'm glad I was there. We have a nice conversation and even Ginny is here. I actually think she's pretty cool. Dean helps me put the suitcase in the overhead compartment when everyone is distracted, and he whispers to me "So you over Malfoy?"

"Yes, very much so" I tell him, and he smiles.

"I'm proud of you."

"For what?" Ron questions, being his nosy self.

"Umm... I'm proud that she saved Harry's life last year. I just couldn't be prouder" Dean lies, and I smile.

Everyone cheers for me and Harry says "Yes, thank you Jessa. It means a lot"

"It's okay. I'm just glad I was there" I laugh, and everyone smiles.

We have quite a long train journey with lots of laughs and smiles but we eventually get to Hogwarts in the pitch black. The boat takes us to the school, and we leave our bags for the care takers to take to our room as we head for the Great Hall. As we take our seats on the cold wooden benches, I take a look around. It feels so amazing to be back here. My eyes lock with Malfoys and he gives me a warm smile. I roll my eyes and look away. Why did he smile? Does he not think I'm mad with him? Dumbledore does his yearly speech, and we tuck into a beautiful meal with my favourite people around me.

"So, Jessa, what have you been up to this summer?" George questions.

"Any boys?" Fred cheekily adds.

I snort "No. Not even one boy. I went on holiday with some Muggles."

Everyone heaves as a joke "Muggles? Sounds rubbish" Ron jokes.

"Ron don't be so rude. I bet it was great" Hermione digs at Ron.

"No, it's okay Hermione. It was rubbish" I tell her.

"You look so tanned. Were you away for long?" Seamus asks.

"A few weeks. But enough about me, what did everyone else get up to?"

Whilst everyone is enthusiastically telling me their summer stories, I feel complete. There's nothing more I'd want in this world than to be with these amazing people. I just can't help but be happy right now. As much as I hate Malfoy, I couldn't fight him or anything right now because I'm so happy. Dumbledore tells me that I don't need to do tutoring anymore as I'm at a high enough level to do it by myself.

We finish our meals, and we decide to head up to the common room. The conversation is never ending. Everyone has so much to say and I'm here for it. When they are speaking, I can just see how delighted everyone is to be back right now. It's so wholesome. I'm really living my best life.

FORBIDDEN FEELINGS part 3Where stories live. Discover now