An Angel?!

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Hey McGardens!!! Welcome to the first chapter of my second book. Before we begin, just know that this story will probably have slow-ish updates.

Also, the story is pretty much all Natsu's POV. It really won't change unless I say otherwise. I'm not even positive that will happen.. maybe like once or twice.

Spirits are the only ones with magic!! You'll see soon enough. Also, please feel free to leave comments and especially questions if you are confused!

I know when I am writing, I obviously understand what is going on. If it's not getting through to you, please ask. I'll probably comment back within the day because I have no life. 🥳😃

Anyway, let's get this show on the road, shall we?


"AHH what the hell?!" I shriek. My eyes burst open to see Gray Fullbuster. My frienemy/roommate. His spirit, Juvia, used some of her magic to splash me with water!

"J-Juvia is sorry Natsu, but Gray~Sama asked her to do that." She says shyly.

Juvia is a mermaid spirit. She has powers to manipulate small bodies of water. Like all spirits, her voice is kinda squeaky and high pitched.

"It's fine Juvia. I'm annoyed at that stripper, not you." I grumble. Juvia is... well... sensitive. I try my best to go easy on her, but it's hard because she's always around that damned ice princess!

I roll out of bed and to the bathroom. I grab a towel to dry off my face. "What was that for anyway?" I wonder.

"Uh.. you tabasco idiot, it's your 18th birthday!" Gray chuckles.

"Oh, right!" I cheer.

"What do you think your spirit will be?" Gray wonders.

"Excuse me, but you mean WHO. Not what! We're living beings not creatures." Juvia scoffs. Gray chuckled nervously and pat Juvia's tiny head.

"Well I hope he-"

"Or she." Juvia adds while interrupting me.

"Or she.. is cool. Y'know like a dragon or a griffin!" I cheer.

"Yeah that'd be awesome. Or maybe an imp!" Gray adds. We high-five and go our separate ways to get ready for school.

"Let me know when you think Natsu's new friend will arrive!" Juvia cheers. She disappears to her spirit world where she stays until Gray needs her- or she just wants to show up.


When the bell rang for lunch, my friends and I met at a table. Jellal was there with his spirit Erza. She's a devil- both literally and figuratively. Man is she scary! Erza can manipulate fire and also equip weapons. That's her power.

Gajeel was also there with his spirit; Levy the fairy. She's even smaller than most spirits- and really nice. Levy's super smart too! She gets very impatient with Gajeel though. Her powers let her spawn elements and random objects sometimes. It's cool.

Gray is there as well. He calls for Juvia, and a blue light came into sight over his head. Juvia appeared and plopped on his head, her magic spawning water that wet his hair a little.

I sat down with my food. "Natsu! Happy birthday." Levy's high-pitched voice squeaked.

Man I hope my spirit is a guy.. I don't know how my friends have been handling their squeaky voices. I guess over time they are used to it.

I have a few friends with male spirits. Female spirits are just more common. My friend Laxus for instance has a male spirit named Freed. Freed is a pixie.

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