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enjoy the brand new book of smile! (its rain now lmao) also dont forget that rain is in the same world as tutor and housemates :)

"ah hyung, i don't think i should go to school today" the younger whined cutely to the older chinese behind him who was pushing him towards the gates of hell- i mean school,

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"ah hyung, i don't think i should go to school today" the younger whined cutely to the older chinese behind him who was pushing him towards the gates of hell- i mean school,

"stop being silly, chenle" the said male pouted at hearing his reply

seeking for some support, chenle looks around to find an older male who'll certainly help him,

"hyuck hyung, school can wait later right?"

chenle blinked innocently at the older as he wore a childlike smile with puppy eyes, anyone with a soft heart would totally give in to him but not his friends though,

donghyuck was about to answer happily as what chenle hoped but feeling a sudden cold glare on him made the tan male stiffen,

his eyes caught a smaller male behind chenle throwing him threatening looks and as soon as donghyuck saw him raising his fist, the tan male coughs nervously as he passed the younger an apologetic smile,

"you'll be fine, chenle"
donghyuck's sure he doesn't want to face an angry renjun on the first day of school

a pout quickly made its way towards chenle's face as he stared at donghyuck with disappointment all over his face, while renjun only gave the tan male an approving smile,

another male took notice of the sad younger and went over to him, slinging an arm around his shoulder, "you'll fit in fine and who knows.."

chenle curiously looks aside to see jeno giving him his comforting eye smile,

getting a hint on what jeno's going to say, donghyuck went up on chenle's left side and threw an arm around his shoulder as well, his arm on top of jeno's

"who knows.. you'll find a pretty girly~"

jeno and donghyuck began to tease the male between them as the younger's cheek turned flush red at the mention of a girl,

"w-what are you talking about.. it's still my second year"

the two males continued to tease the younger despite his whines and retorts as renjun and jaemin walked past them, not bothering to join the whole teasing party but rather chose to engage themselves in a different conversation from those three

"there's no such things as ghosts, renjun"
"i'm telling you, the bottle disappeared like .. poof"

the 5 of them walk past the entrance of the tall building as tons of eyes followed them. as they pass the hallway with students scattered around the place, whispers and squeals left each and every girl's lips

some of the boys passed a few smiles here and there causing the squeals to get louder while the rest fixed their eyes elsewhere, not interested to get girls screaming over them

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now