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only one for today :p

"it's nice to meet you, mrs

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"it's nice to meet you, mrs. kang"

the older woman passed jaein a warm smile before bidding her daughter and her friend goodbye, saying she wants to explore the festival but if we listened to what minji said earlier before the older woman arrived, which was,

"honestly, my mom's only here for the food"

jaein could guarantee that her friend said the truth. strings of chuckles left her lips at seeing the older woman striding towards the fishcake vendor not far from where they're standing,

"your mom's lovely"

the daughter on the other hand, only nods her head at her mother's predictable behavior as she wore a proud grin, "yep, that's my mother alright"

the two girls shared a laugh together before continuing to venture around the festival, checking out the booths and vendors the committee has prepared and worked hard for

"are your parents not coming?"

jaein shook her head as her answer, "they're too busy"

noticing how smaller her voice became and the uptight smile on her friend's face made minji realize that she shouldn't ask further, she didn't want to ruin the fun atmosphere between them by overstepping the line and make jaein uncomfortable with her

she'd rather stay quiet and wait for the girl to start the conversation instead, minji will be more than happy to listen

"hmm, then how about i record your performance later? for them to watch"

she gave a small smile towards minji, grateful for how nice and thoughtful she was. but knowing that her parents wouldn't even give a damn about anything else besides those numbers on those useless papers, she shook her head at the girl before saying,

"it's okay, you don-"

not aware of her surroundings, jaein accidentally bumped into another person. thankfully enough, it wasn't a harsh crash that could've sent them falling to the ground

"i'm sorry, are you okay?"

both of them spoke at the same time, catching them off guard. after processing what just happened, the two of them broke into smiles as they shared fits of giggles together

"oh, yena! hi!" minji who finally noticed who the other girl was, immediately waved her hand happily and cheerfully greeted the tall girl with a joyous smile

the said girl's ears perked at the familiar voice, she looks behind jaein to meet eyes with minji. she returned the smile and waved her hand at the short-haired girl, replying to her friend's call

hearing the familiar name from minji made a bell rang inside jaein's mind, she felt like she's heard it before but doesn't remember when

minji took a step forward and placed her hands on jaein's shoulders as she peeks her head from it, "you haven't met jaein right?"

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