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im gettin my report card tmrrw and i have 0 expectations lmao

im gettin my report card tmrrw and i have 0 expectations lmao

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jaein's hands halted from highlighting the next sentence at hearing a familiar voice suddenly appearing beside her, she raised her head from the textbook and slightly turns her head aside to be faced with a tan male.

he gave her his usual smile with a hand raised at her as a greeting. out of habit, she silently blinks twice at the male before nodding her head once while raising her free hand to give him a small wave

the male's eyes were still focused on her while hers are already back on the book, making her unable to notice the small pout on his lips

he felt slightly dejected at feeling the 'distance' still present between them. he thought they've already made progress thanks to yesterday's sudden piano playdate

but seems like they're still stuck on the first step of the long stairs towards an everlasting.. friendship.. ? honestly, donghyuck doesn't know what's his actual goal on this so-called progress,

but he does know that he feels very intrigued with jaein, he's curious about what type of a person she is. truthfully speaking and as much as how cliche it sounds, it's the first time he felt this way

that's why he's willing to go to certain lengths to just get to know who jaein is and he's very much sure that he wouldn't let a little dejection stop him

he wiped off the pout from his face and peeked at what she's reading but due to the distance and how small the fonts were, all he could see were just black squiggly lines and purple colored rectangles with the said squiggly lines inside of it

the male huffed out a sigh before shifting his seat closer to hers and when he was satisfied with the distance, he wore a content smile as he leaned forward and peeked over her shoulder

feeling a sudden warmth and breathing brushing lightly against her cheek made her shiver slightly which went unnoticed by the tan male.

confused by the sudden change of air around her, she turned her head to the side and immediately backed away with widened eyes

she stared at the unbothered male with widened eyes that are accompanied by knitted brows and seconds later, he finally realized a pair of round eyes were fixed on him


seems like he didn't notice how close he was leaning before and how that almost sent her to a panicked frenzy

or maybe jaein was only overreacting but hey, it's not like every day you get a handsome guy up close to your face

donghyuck's expression mirrored hers as he waited for her answer but all he got was a headshake from her.

she avoided eye contact as she sat normally like before, she placed an elbow on the table as she rested her chin on her palm and then continued to highlight some parts in the textbook

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now