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nct did not just drop news about their beyond life concert when homegirl right here is broke af

nct did not just drop news about their beyond life concert when homegirl right here is broke af 😟🕶🤏🏻

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"where have you been?"

just as jaein expected, that was the first thing that left her father's lips as soon as the girl arrived home. she internally sighed in relief as she praised herself for making the right decision to only let donghyuck walk her home until they're 2 houses from their destination,

or else, the securities could've seen him and snitch to her parents, leading both of the teenagers into an inescapable questioning and that is definitely a scenario jaein would very much like to avoid,

she placed her shoes on the rack beside her before turning around to finally face the adults in the living room, noticing her brother was nowhere to be seen, she guessed he was probably out somewhere

her feet took small steps as she nears her parents with her heartbeat fastening at each step, her arm clutched her blazer tightly as her fingers gripped the thick fabric anxiously - secretly hoping that her emotionless face was enough to cover how nervous she was,

her parents' eyes followed her figure as she finally stopped in front of them, she eyed their unreadable faces before silently clearing her throat so her voice would sound believable,

"a teacher asked for help so i got to the library later than usual"

hearing a heavy sigh, her eyes trailed over to the older male who had a displeased look plastered over his face. feeling she'll break soon if she maintains eye contact, she opted to divert her eyes elsewhere as she gulps the dry lump forming in her throat,

"why not study at home?"

eyes returning to her father, she gave herself a slight pinch on her thigh to calm her beating heart as she tried to stably voice out her words, for convincement purposes

"the library has more books for me to study and some of them are the same books the teachers use"

the eye contact they're sharing became intense as the familiar fear began to creep inside her mind, calling out for her cowardly self to make an appearance again. her mind became cloudy with darkness slowly consuming all of it until,

an image of a certain person appeared, causing a warm memory to play inside her mind. she could vividly remember his warm hands comforting her and how gentle yet earnest his voice sounded as he consoled her,

it was like her mind was telling her to listen and remember the person's words

and she did.

she became determined with herself as she firmly maintains their eye contact with no motives of disrespecting him, she only wants him to know that she's going to stand by her words, that what she says matters to be listened and taken into their thoughts - just like how she has been doing for them for the past 17 years of her life.

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now