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the bell rang three times, signaling that school's done for the day

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the bell rang three times, signaling that school's done for the day. the class that was once quiet with no sound being heard became lively as whispers of joy coming from the students spread through the air.

the teacher of the last period, mr. min, dismissed the class as soon as he finished packing his things and left the room. most of the students hurriedly packed their things and zoomed through the door while some like jaein, took their time - feeling there's no need to rush

jaein zips her bag closed and stood up from her seat as she placed the straps on her back. as she was about to start walking, a voice stopped her,

"see you tomorrow and get back home safely okay?" renjun passed her a smile before making his way out of the class with another male walking beside him,

jaein's mouth was slightly opened as she was about to reply to the male but he already left before she could,

she purses her lips into a thin line before walking out of the class. she didn't have any trouble making her way out of the building as her mind was quite fast at memorizing. she passed the same hallway she ventured in the morning,

her eyes caught a few students waiting by the pillars beside her and that was when she remembered that she chose to go home alone today. usually, there's a family driver who would pick her up but because of yesterday's lovely talk with her father,

she thought it might be best to spend some of her time outside rather than being in that suffocating so-called home of hers,

so to pass the time, she decided to explore the school. she only ventured the whole ground floor though, she didn't have the energy to come up the stairs again.

her feet brought her to the school's back garden, near the basketball court. the garden was simply beautiful in her eyes, seeing a whole place filled with different types of plants and flowers growing healthily just made her in awe

the air felt different there, it felt free and welcoming and the fact that there's no single person around just made it better,

'at least, i can breathe freely here'

jaein took a deep breath as the chill breeze flew past her, causing her hair to sway side to side as her skin tingled at the sudden coldness.

her eyes gazed at every single plant in the place and a little spark of jealousy burned inside of her at seeing how well they're being taken care of, she could see the love being put into growing all of these plants,

"it'll be nice to have someone care for you this deeply"

she lets out a tired sigh and as she was about to take a step towards the roofless garden, her eyes caught a few droplets hitting the ground - making little splashes to its surroundings

jaein took a step back to be back under the roof as she raised her head to see the once sunny blue sky has now turned dark with clouds huddling together as rain poured from it.

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now