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good afternoon! enjoy reading today's chapter :)

good afternoon! enjoy reading today's chapter :)

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"hey jaein!"

the said girl raised her head from her phone as her feet continued to walk towards her seat, her eyes immediately saw a smiling renjun with a familiar male beside him, sitting on the desk on renjun's right

"hi" jaein briefly waved at the cheerful male as she went to sit down on her seat with a pair of eyes following her,

she placed her bag on her desk before unzipping it open, as she was pulling out her notebook, a pair of legs appeared in front of her.

her hand halted as her eyes trailed upwards to see him standing there with his usual annoying smile that she didn't even realize she found it cute but hey, it's always fun to have a dense mc in your story

turns out he's actually her classmate, in fact, he sits behind her. she found out yesterday during their 20 questions game,

she askes him what class he's from and that made him confused at first, he thought she was joking around but the girl genuinely didn't know

and that made him utterly shock and from that moment, she began to learn little things about him

one of it is that he's terribly dramatic. she spent 10 minutes dealing with the sulky version of him and it wasn't fun

but even with that dramatic self of him, he still made her comfortable enough to speak more than she usually does at home,

confused by why the male came to her when she clearly saw he had company earlier, she glances to the side to see renjun nowhere in his seat


unconsciously to her, she pursed her lips into a thin line before returning her gaze back on him as she said, "yes?"

"aren't you going to greet me as well?"

she raised a brow at his question before slowly raising her hand near her head as she awkwardly said,


the smile left his face as a tired sigh escaped his lips. he nods his head at the girl as he moved his pointer finger up and down, directing it towards her

"just wait and see, i'll definitely be the one to-"

"be the one to what hyuck? eh wait.. since when did you guys know each other?"

they both turned their head to the side to be faced with a surprised renjun, then they exchanged a look together before simultaneously saying,


renjun's mouth shaped into a small 'o' at their reply as he nods his head, "seems like you guys get along well"

donghyuck was about to nod his head with a content smile until the girl slapped his stomach causing him to wince from the unexpected pain,

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now