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welp— i did not just publish a secret chapter by accident. nope, not me

"hey~ how y'all doin- holy cheezit, who the hell are you?"

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"hey~ how y'all doin- holy cheezit, who the hell are you?"

the frown on her face got more detailed as she threw the chinese male a glare before sighing heavily as she buried her face into her purple sweater paws, occasionally whiffing the honey scent on the soft material, hoping it'll calm her down

the chinese male slowly sat down on his seat beside the lethargic girl as he had a puzzled look on his face. he then faced his friend who's sitting in front of the girl, expecting an answer to his puzzlement

feeling eyes on him, the tan male turned his head slightly to meet the chinese's eyes. knowing what his friend wants, donghyuck lets out a light sigh before saying,

"she's just.. very sleep-deprived"

"sleep-deprived?! she looks like she's barely alive"

donghyuck's eyes rounded as he stood up from his seat with a hand raised, ready to smack the chinese for not choosing his words carefully.

he didn't want the girl to get more cranky than she already is, he doesn't even want to know what will happen if that somehow happens

the thought of the girl having an outburst and letting it out on them, made the tan male shiver. he was physically unprepared for the possible beatings as he already had a sore butt and hip from falling off his bed this morning

with quick reflexes, renjun slumps low on his seat as he had his arms crossed in front of his face, shielding himself from the tan male's incoming attack

but before donghyuck could place a hand on the chinese, a sudden soft whimper halted his actions.

instantly, his focused returned to the girl in front of him as worry began to grow inside of him and slowly made its way appearing on his face

renjun who also heard the girl whimpering, lowered his arms and pushed himself up to sit normally before turning to face the girl as he also had the same expression as donghyuck,

with a heavy sigh, she slowly raised her head and sluggishly placed her palm on her ear to support her head with her elbow still remained on the table,

"what's wrong?" the tan male fixed his eyes on the pained and uncomfortable expression she wore

with her eyes still closed, she slowly raised her free hand and pointed it towards her head as their eyes followed her movement,

"my head hurts.. like hell" she managed to whisper out with a raspy voice that happened from her staying quiet the whole time,

the frown on their faces became more obvious at seeing her concerning condition

"what time did you sleep?" renjun begins to question her, curious about what made her like this

".. 5, i think.."

𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 ➶ 𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔Where stories live. Discover now